It’s our birthday – 4 years ago this week, Chloe qualified for her sports massage qualification!
Thank you so much, to you, for your support of my little business, allowing it to grow to help me help people out of pain, and allow me to take on Jen Llewellyn, my new associate who joined me this year in providing even more people with personalised treatments.
Happy Birthday Astral Fitness!
Several years ago, Chloe was very bored of working in a supermarket, and knew she needed to do something to escape that kind of working life – the kind where it didn’t matter what you did and there weren’t any opportunities to help people beyond helping them find what shelf the chestnuts lived on.
Chloe had started her Personal Training qualification when she was 20, but had not pursued it to completion, much to her regret. She joined a brand-new course in 2016 and qualified for that after a couple of attempts at the anatomy and physiology exam. But, personal training wasn’t what she hoped for at that time, she felt that it wasn’t as in depth about the body as she wanted it to be. A couple of years later, after umming and aahing for several months, Chloe signed up to her sports massage course and qualified this week four years ago. And the rest, as they say, is history.
Actually, Chloe continued to work in the supermarket for another year, while getting to grips with running a business, which she started straight away. She finally took the leap in August 2019, going fully self employed all by herself…. Eeek… scary and exciting times.
One month after that, Disaster struck!
Chloe broke her arm!
Not one to be felled by a little incident like that, Chloe used self-massage techniques on her arm as well as other things she had learnt, to recover fully and be back to work after exactly six weeks.
Jen Llewellyn
Jen Llewellyn joined Astral Fitness in July 2022, after meeting Chloe when she moved in next door to her nearly a decade ago. A friendship ensued, and with Chloe’s passion and enthusiasm for sports massage being infectious, Jen took the leap to begin her studies and join Chloe at Astral Fitness in helping people move well for life.
Thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog – Happy Birthday Astral Fitness! I hope that you found some of this information helpful on your health and fitness journey. If you would like further advice, or are struggling with a pain and you don’t quite know what to do, come and see me. You can use my Booking Link or check out my website for a little further information at
We hope to be helping you soon.
Chloe & Jen