Chloe has been working hard behind the scenes learning some new skills! Recently qualified as an IKO Kettlebell Sport Coach, and as a British Weightlifting Kettlebell coach to complement her personal training qualifications. If you know Chloe, you will know how passionate she is about being physically and mentally strong and the part that strength training plays in that.
Chloe will be launching Kettlebell Sport Coaching and Kettlebell Group Classes for beginners in the next few weeks. There are no other Kettlebell Sport, Kettlebell Hardstyle, or Kettlebell Flow classes in the area. So if learning how to truly utilise these fantastic bits of equipment sounds good to you, these classes will be perfect. Using a Kettlebell just as a weight to replace the use of barbells and dumbbells is doing a disservice to its history and the huge variety of movements that can be found within the discipline.
Kettlebell Classes
Be sure to pay attention to the Facebook page and emails to find out when and where they’re happening and how to book on.If you want to get a head start on your physical strength, get in touch with Chloe here to enquire about setting up your PT sessions. These sessions are specifically aimed at beginners. Along with those needing specialist guidance to work around injuries, diseases. As well as, chronic illnesses, including recovering from sedentary lifestyles. This can include excessive amounts of time spent at a desk, on a sofa, or generally being quite still.
Lifestyle Choices
Now that might be due to your lifestyle choices, you haven’t found a physical activity that engages you. Or it might just be that your work life balance has gotten out of whack. So maybe now is the time to bring it back to a place of balance.
Thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog – Kettlebell Sport Coach.
Don’t forget to get your next sports massage at You can use my Booking Link or check out my website for a little further information at
See you soon,
Chloe, Jen, Steve, and Sam