Exclusive Massage Membership

Another exciting thing to expect at Astral Fitness this year, is the reopening of our exclusive Massage Membership. Being a member of the Massage Membership protects you from price increases for at least one year, oftentimes longer depending on how many people are in the membership. You pay your massage cost upfront via Standing Order from your bank on the…

VIP Massage Membership Reopens!

This is the only massage membership in Hinckley that we know about, and we are reopening the doors to it once more for its fourth successful year. We have not had a kneejerk reaction to the cost-of-living crisis and the increase of heating costs, because I did not want to add more stress to your household finances. However, my prices…

VIP Massage & Movement Membership

Hello and welcome to November’s blog, and this month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement, if you haven’t already introduced or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start! Last week I talked at the end of my blog about how life often gets in…