We are always asking you to consider your physical fitness when choosing to spend your free time, but it is also important to have some hobbies too, even if they are not contributing to your overall fitness.
Why is that?
Having hobbies has long been lauded as one of the secrets to mental wellbeing, that is, being happy. Sometimes hobbies can lead to being a little destructive with our fitness… think gaming and snacking prolifically, as one example. But that doesn’t mean we should avoid our hobbies altogether. We just need to be considerate of the bigger picture.
I have long enjoyed snapping pictures of things that interest me over the years, an interest that started for me when I was just 6 years old when my dad handed me his prized camera when I asked how to take pictures with it.
He told me how to frame what I was looking at, and to consider the amount of ground as well as sky. The subject in question was my younger sister and my dad.
My dad crouched down and I remember waving my hand at my sister to duck down too. What resulted was a lovely picture of the two of them, with my sister looking like she was ducking something flying at her!
Being strong and capable certainly helps with walking around and snapping pictures, an interest that has recently reignited for me with the help of my friend Gemma. Staying fit and healthy meant that even though it was the hottest day so far this year, I was easily able to physically manage the 11 miles we walked that day, snapping our way around Hinckley.
What do you stay fit for? Need help with a pain getting in the way of doing your hobbies?
Get booked in at www.astralfitness.co.uk.
Thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog – Have Hobbies.
Don’t forget to get your next sports massage at www.astralfitness.co.uk. You can use my Booking Link or check out my website for a little further information at www.astralfitness.co.uk
We look forward to helping you.
Chloe & Jen