JUMP into January! – Part OneHello and welcome to my first blog in 2021- JUMP into January! – Part One

Happy New Year to you, and let’s face it, it has got to be better than last year.

I thought I would start with a positive theme for Januarys’ blogs.

Jump into January is going to talk about what you can do to start your year off right and how to continue feeling great all year long.

New Year Resolutions – JUMP into January!

Have you made any resolutions this year? Did any of them involve eating better, moving more, or getting fitter? What about introducing a self-care routine?

Or are you the sort who never makes a resolution, but just tries to be the best you can be all of the time?

I generally don’t make New Year resolutions; however, I do find that making a goal, whatever the time of year instead can help me to be motivated.

My goals tend to challenge me to complete a distance over a number of weeks, whether I run, walk, swim or cycle that distance and I do enjoy having a medal at the end to remind me of my efforts.

Medal Madness

Do you like to receive a medal too? Have you ever thought about trying a virtual event or challenge to get you off that sofa and out into the world?

Signing up for a virtual event in this vastly restricted world is a great way to set yourself a goal to motivate you to meet new or existing fitness regimes.

A lot of the virtual events do not even need you to run to successfully complete it and receive your medal.

Walk, Run, Cycle, Row… crawl if you have to, get moving any way you are able to and set yourself up for success for the rest of 2021.

The following virtual challenge websites are genuine, and I have personally used them to purchase medals for myself and my sons as rewards for periods of time where I found it difficult to stay motivated… yes it happens, even to me. My youngest son used to cycle with me on every run I took, and I got him medals to reward his commitment. Now though, I don’t think I am cool enough anymore for him to cycle with me!




I am currently working my way through the challenges by The Conqueror. So if you join one, let me know and we can compare our achievements! Remember, the more people who know what you hope to achieve, the more likely you are to stay on track and complete it. Better yet… why not rope in a friend and help each other reach your goals?

Speak to you next week,