Hello and welcome to November’s blog – Movement is Medicine – Benefits of Massage & Movement. This month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement. If you haven’t already introduced or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start!
Life Responsibilities
How often do you have responsibilities to other people? How often are you in your employee role, your parent role, your employer, spouse, sibling, child roles? When was the last time you were just YOU?
Come for a massage and the whole appointment is about you, not just six minutes that the doctor can give you, not the briefest time other professionals provide their clients. I will not be massaging you with one hand and scrolling Facebook with the other…. this sadly happened to a client of mine visiting another therapist in the Hinckley area!
The serotonin and other hormones released during massage will help you feel the benefits mentally as well as physically.
Serotonin release has been researched and is known to effectively boost your mood as well as lower your levels of depression and anxiety, so could be beneficial in combining with a mental health treatment plan.
Mental Health and Exercise
I am also passionate about getting you into sport and exercise and hope that you take my enthusiasm with you into the outside world and allow it to push you to introduce exercise into your life, or to try the rehab exercises I email to you after your appointment. Movement is exactly what your body was designed to do, and when you do move, you create your own feel-good hormones and improve your own ability to heal, which all positively impacts your mental health more than you can know.
Movement is Medicine
Busy Life
But how do you go about introducing massage into your life when you are already so busy? Self-care is important, but it often gets shunted to the bottom of the list after the grocery shopping, the laundry, the job, the cooking, the children… with that in mind, I have some exciting news to impart with you about changes that are coming to Astral Fitness Sports Massage to help you out with staying in a good place both mentally and physically, and never missing out on your preferred massage or personal training appointment time with me, ever.
Check back next week to find out exactly what it is….
If you would like more information about healthy movement in your life. I would be honoured if you would join my new Facebook group to help you with your mobility and movement goals www.facebook.com/groups/masteringmobility doors open on 5th January!
Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s blog – Busy Life? Benefits of Massage & Movement. Remember if you need help with moving more, email me at [email protected], or your muscles are hurting and nothing else is cutting it, you can book in online at www.astralfitness.co.uk
See you next time,