The Importance of Glutes

Or rather, strong feet and ankles and why they are so important for having strong glutes. Anything happening at your hips and in your glutes, might have started with an issue in your ankles and feet… or are the issues you are experiencing at your hips and in your glutes responsible for what is happening in your feet and ankles?…

When it is Not the Glutes Being Tricky?

So, you think that your glutes are fine, you are working them out regularly, but something still does not feel right. Maybe it is one of the deeper gluteal region muscles I mentioned earlier, the piriformis being the number one culprit of many a discomfort. This muscle originates from the anterior sacrum and sacroiliac joint and inserts on the greater…

Strong Glutes

Your glutes need to be thought about and worked out to be strong, but not to the detriment of the other muscles in the body. They need to be strong to support all the other activities you like to do, as I said in the previous blog, they aid running propulsion, and if you slow down running, what other propulsion…

Strong Glutes and Why They Are Important

It has been all about glutes in the last few weeks in clinic, those, and necks, and I suspect it has been because we have all spent a hell of a lot more time sitting down and looking down since lockdown, and for some of us that is a trend we are still stuck. A lot more people are working…

Have You Introduced Any Movement Variations?

Hello and welcome to the fourth October blog, Have You Introduced Any Movement Variations? Variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the rest of your life. Have you tried to introduce any movement variations into your week since my last blog? Don’t worry if you haven’t, it can…

Variety In Your Movements

Hello and welcome to the third October blog, Variety In Your Movements. Variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the rest of your life. Last week I left you thinking about how to introduce daily movement to look after your joints and your body in general, to help…

Variation of Movement

Hello and welcome to the second October blog, All about Variation of Movement. Variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the rest of your life. Last week I left you pondering about the amount of different types of movement you usually do during your working week, and how…

Movement Variation

Hello and welcome to Octobers blog – Movement Variation. A brand new subject to discuss with you. So what is Movement Variation, and why am I discussing it? It is exactly as it sounds, actually. I am discussing it because variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the…

Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important – Part 5

Hello and welcome to Part Five of this months blog. Winter is just around the corner and September is the perfect month to get active again after the summer holidays, and to ensure that winter can be as active and as fun as possible. When starting a new fitness regime, it is important to start slowly and increase your activity…

Tendonitis, or Tendinosis? The Beginners Guide to Common Injuries

Hello and welcome to Augusts fourth blog – Tendonitis, or Tendinosis? The Beginners Guide to Common Injuries. I hope that you are all having a great summer full of fun and activity. What if you’ve got a bit of an injury going on though? Is it a simple injury or something else? Read on… Firstly, When to Get Help Sometimes…