Getting stronger is becoming a much more common goal for peoples health and fitness journeys, and both Jen and I hear this much more frequently from the women we treat, which is wonderful!
It was a very different landscape back in the 1990’s when Chloe joined her first gym. Women were stared at if they dare enter the free weights section, and there used to be a lot of misogyny present too, unfortunately, which all added up to women not wanting to get stronger and stick to cardio style exercises. That and the old wives tales of women looking like men if they lifted weight, and bang, women were excluded from probably one of the most vital exercises for the human body: strength training.
Getting Stronger
It’s very different out there today, so if you Choose Just One Thing to focus your energies on and it’s strength training, welcome to the club.
We both strength train a few times a week, and also have a once weekly PT session with Coby Allen at United Gym to keep us in check and make sure our progress stays on point. If you’re a complete beginner to lifting, you can start by watching videos of lifts to learn the basics and the jargon associated with lifting, or you can book in with a PT or get yourself to a beginners lifting session, most gyms are happy to help with this so why not enquire at one? Hinckley has a plethora to choose from, seemingly a new one every month!
We love United though so why not come and train at a gym which has knocked the old misogynies on the head by providing a safe space for women – over 40% of their members being female.
Come and See Us
And get yourself booked in sooner rather than later if you’d like a massage on those sore and worked out muscles or to have a chat about how to improve your health and fitness at
Thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog – Getting Stronger.
Don’t forget to get your next sports massage at You can use my Booking Link or check out my website for a little further information at
We look forward to helping you.
Chloe & Jen