Hello and welcome to a brand-new month and a brand-new blog topic – How to Have an Injury Free Summer!

June is a special month this year, because my first-born son turns 18 years old. So I will be doing lots of celebrating with him! Lots of eating out, eating cake, and hopefully visiting family and places out and about!

Before and after that, I will be in my treatment room helping you have an injury free summer. Over the following blogs for June, I will be imparting hints and tips to help you along the way.


How to Have an Injury Free SummerMy top tip for avoiding an activity or sport related injury over the summer is to TAKE IT SLOWLY. If you are new to a sport, or being more active, or reintroducing activity to your life again after the lockdowns and now that the nicer weather is here, the slower you increase what you are doing, the better.

Most injuries occur when people rush to do too much too soon, after doing too little for too long.

Gradual Increase to your activity levels will stand you in good stead, and it means that if you are fit and strong for your everyday life, you can probably take on an extra challenge here and there without it impacting you too much. You probably know someone in your life who goes all out to train for a 5k or 10k, then goes back to doing nothing afterwards, probably because of an injury or just not having enough time in their real life to fit in an excess of activity.

But how do you fit in sports, activities, and fitness, if your life is busy with other things?

How to be Fit in a Busy Life

Making time for fitness, and in such a way that you avoid injuring yourself and losing your fitness, takes a little thought and determination, but ultimately, it is down to priorities. What is your priority? Is it to be busy working and letting your health do what its going to do and fix it when it needs fixing? Or is it going to be an integral part of your life so you can avoid being forced into health and recovery later down the road?

That decision is yours, and yours alone.

Check back next week to find out how to begin making changes to your daily life to make fitness an unequivocable part of it, and along with it, remaining injury free.

Don’t forget that I still offer Personal Training for you, tailored to your injury recovery and movement needs. Contact me on [email protected] to find out more.

See you soon!
