Rockpods and Rock GlidesAnother fun little thing Jen and I picked up at the Therapy Expo in November last year, were some Rockpods and Rock Glides, which we have now studied and are happy to use within the treatment time with you to provide an extra element to your injury recovery. Just like the Wavestone I talked about last week, these are little tools that can help reduce the pressure on our own bodies and aid the treatment we give you.

For those of you who might not know what these are, they are essentially a type of dry cupping treatment. Many of you might know what cupping is, from seeing the dark round circles on Olympians bodies, as well as how much it is represented in the press nowadays.

Rockpods and Rock Glides

Cupping is designed to grab, push, and pull your skin and the underlying structures through suction to create a change in your movement and mobility. The rockpods work best statically on dry or waxed skin and are great for being able to grab and move an area of skin around. Whereas the Rock Glides are designed to slide up and down an area of muscle to create a change that way. The other benefit of both the pods and the glides is that they can placed over bony structures like the spine and other joints where pressure through massage would otherwise be uncomfortable.

Rockpods and Rock GlidesWe will always ask your permission before we use them, that is if you are suitable to have them used on you. Most people can experience the pods and the glides, so why not ask us if you’d like to experience them in your next appointment? They are also available for you to order your own set with us and use on yourself at home in between treatments.

Get yourself booked in sooner rather than later, appointments are filling up fast.

Thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog – Rockpods and Rock Glides.

Don’t forget to get your next sports massage at You can use my Booking Link or check out my website for a little further information at

We look forward to helping you.
Chloe & Jen