Routine for Building a Strong & Capable BodyRoutine is a necessary evil for most things in our lives. From school runs, to getting to work on time, exercise is no different. If you do not make time for it in your life, then you are unlikely to ever get it done. Make whatever exercise you are committed to doing a non-negotiable in your life. Which means you get it done no matter what. The only exceptions to just getting it done are on days you are run down, you have an illness of some sort, or some other emergency.


Fitness, being strong and capable, are promises to yourself and showing yourself and your family that you care about showing up for them, because you can be bothered to show up for yourself. It is more important than getting to work on time, or even working itself. Sure, you need to earn a living, and getting to work on time is important, but if you are weak and in ill health, how can you possibly work? How can you look after your family if you are out of work because you are out of health? Exercising makes working easier, and it should be the priority rather than the occasional dabble.

You don’t HAVE to work out, you GET to work out

And that is something that millions of people around the world do not even get a choice in. Take advantage of your ability to exercise and build your body strong, build your mind strong, and see what else you are capable of achieving. Not sure where to start? Personal Training is a passion of mine, particularly to getting newbies to exercise started and confident in what to do, and helping you recover from injuries.

Thank you for taking time to read this week’s blog – Routine for Building a Strong & Capable Body.

Don’t forget to get your next sports massage at You can use my Booking Link or check out my website for a little further information at

We look forward to helping you.
Chloe & Jen