I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Jen since she started with me at Astral Fitness at the beginning of July this year. Jen has settled in really well to her new role, gaining some brilliant reviews along the way and helping people resolve issues that they thought they would probably have to put up…
Did you know that you need 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight a day in the summertime to enjoy the boosting benefits of vitamin D? The sun needs to penetrate your skin, and the amount of skin needed is just that of your face, hands, and arms. Which can be a little tricky during the winter when we are cossetted…
Do you find it much harder to get up and out of the house now the days start darker, and the temperature is colder? You’re not alone It could just be the natural change of the seasons have got to you and you have not yet adapted to colder weather, or there could be something a little more going on…
I thought I would revisit some walking challenges with you if you’re the sort of person that needs a bit of a goal to get you moving, and those challenges are The Conqueror Challenges. You may remember me talking about them before, as I turned to giving myself a goal during the lockdowns. I completed several of their medals and…
Autumn is well and truly upon us, and it can be exceedingly tempting to give up on most activities and going out when the air is cooler and probably wetter too, so what can you do to maintain your level of fitness and make sure you ward off colds and illness during the winter months? WALKING of course! Walking will…
You’ve read last weeks blog and know who you want to see for your particular issue out of Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Podiatrists, Sports Massage Therapists, and Personal Trainers, now you need to choose which one to actually go and visit, but how do you go about that if you don’t know of any? Which body work professionals to visit? First,…
Sports massage is not the only body working profession out there, and when I say body working, I do not mean repairing car dents, but rather the repair of the human body holistically and non-invasively. What is the Role of other body work professionals? There seems to be a lot of choice, but it boils down to the big ones…
After becoming proficient in walking about a lot more, you might feel that you could do with more of a challenge to keep your fitness progressing. For that we thoroughly recommend weightlifting. Yep, you read that right! I do not think you are too old, weightlifting in one of its many forms will do you the world of good. You…
Think you’re too old to start exercising and looking after your body? Wrong. It is never too late to start taking better care of yourself, and it could mean the difference between having an independent and good quality of life in your retirement years and beyond. But where do you start if you have never really taken care of yourself?…
It’s our birthday – 4 years ago this week, Chloe qualified for her sports massage qualification! Thank you so much, to you, for your support of my little business, allowing it to grow to help me help people out of pain, and allow me to take on Jen Llewellyn, my new associate who joined me this year in providing even…