When it is Not the Glutes Being Tricky?

So, you think that your glutes are fine, you are working them out regularly, but something still does not feel right. Maybe it is one of the deeper gluteal region muscles I mentioned earlier, the piriformis being the number one culprit of many a discomfort. This muscle originates from the anterior sacrum and sacroiliac joint and inserts on the greater…

Strong Glutes

Your glutes need to be thought about and worked out to be strong, but not to the detriment of the other muscles in the body. They need to be strong to support all the other activities you like to do, as I said in the previous blog, they aid running propulsion, and if you slow down running, what other propulsion…

Strong Glutes and Why They Are Important

It has been all about glutes in the last few weeks in clinic, those, and necks, and I suspect it has been because we have all spent a hell of a lot more time sitting down and looking down since lockdown, and for some of us that is a trend we are still stuck. A lot more people are working…

Maintaining Healthy Movement Even When You Think You Can’t

You may have seen some of my teaser posts on Facebook and Instagram hinting at some exciting news, and it is finally here! Part of not being fragile is maintaining healthy movement even when you think you can’t. Desk workers are one of the most common groups of people Jen and I treat, and they do find it so hard…

Move Your Body

You are not fragile, and you should just get out there and move your body. Today I am going to talk about people with different physical abilities, and how they are rocking it in the sports world and don’t let their bodies hold them back. In fact, they use every inch of their body to such great effect, they are…

Do You Think Your Fragile?

We are still talking all about how your body is not fragile! And why you should get out there and get it moving! This week I am going to talk to you about Fascia, what it is and just how strong it is. Fascia Fascia is a more recently discovered element of the human body, yet it is vital to…

You Are Not Fragile – Honestly!

YOU ARE NOT FRAGILE Yeah, we shouted at you, and I am not apologising at all for it. Too many people walk into our treatment room with the words ‘I have a weak….’ with no clinical reasoning for it, no formal diagnosis, no MRI scan to back up what a doctor has assumed is wrong with you. In fact, nothing…

You Are Not Fragile

The human body is amazing, and surprisingly very strong. But you and I both know people who avoid certain movements or activities for fear of hurting themselves… and they are probably hurting themselves more in the long run. We know someone who is afraid of twisting movements, because one time a few years ago, a twisting movement put them in…

How long should it take to recover from an injury?

How long should it really take to recover from an injury? Oftentimes clients expectations are to be back to normal exceedingly quickly, and can be frustrated when that does not occur. Recover Reality This frustration can then lend itself to a slower recovery, in reality, as you try to force the speed that you are back to normal and can…

Personal Training and Optimising Your Recovery

Chloe offers Personal training, and now has timeslots available to book online to make it even easier for you to include an active element in your recovery. You do not need to just recover from injury, there are many things which require a guiding hand to recover from, including surgeries, diseases, accidents, mental health episodes, and sedentary lifestyles to name…