Your Body Wants to Move

Did you ever wake up one morning and have a crick in your neck? Or a pain in your back between your should blades? Maybe you are slow to get out of bed because more things hurt first thing in the morning before you have gotten warmed up and moving. Or are you one of the people whose feet are…

VIP Massage Membership Reopens!

This is the only massage membership in Hinckley that we know about, and we are reopening the doors to it once more for its fourth successful year. We have not had a kneejerk reaction to the cost-of-living crisis and the increase of heating costs, because I did not want to add more stress to your household finances. However, my prices…

Therapy Expo 2023

We are at the Therapy Expo today and tomorrow! Check out our stories on Facebook and Instagram to see the pictures and videos of the days we are there and what we get up to. While we are out and about learning and hopefully making ourselves better therapists for you, take a moment to read over some of our fabulous…

Jen At Astral Fitness

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Jen since she started with me at Astral Fitness last year. The time has simply flown by and Jen has flourished, gaining some brilliant reviews along the way and helping people resolve issues that they thought they would probably have to put up with for a very long…

Vitamin D

Did you know that you need 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight a day in the summertime to enjoy the boosting benefits of vitamin D? The sun needs to penetrate your skin, and the amount of skin needed is just that of your face, hands, and arms. Which can be a little tricky during the winter when we are cossetted…

Swedish Style Sports Massage

Do you find it much harder to get up and out of the house now the days start darker, and the temperature is colder? You’re not alone It could just be the natural change of the seasons have got to you and you have not yet adapted to colder weather, or there could be something a little more going on…

Time To Workout

Still not sure where to get started with movement snacks or full workouts? Don’t think you have the time to do the workout, let alone plan what it is you’d like to do? Then it might be time to find a personal trainer. You make a regular appointment with someone who is happy to put you through your paces and…

Movement Snacks and Big Workouts

Movement snacks can be beneficial to those who make time for big workouts and get all the things they want with them. I use movement snacks all the time, even when I have completed a workout that day. Where they come in handy for me is, that it can help undo tightness or achiness in a muscle or joint because…

Vary Your Movement Snacks

Who got inspired by Arnold Scwarzenegger last week? Don’t know what I am talking about? Head over to and take a look at last weeks blog, then pop back here and continue reading. ‘If you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results’. – Arnold Scwarzenegger Now he may be referring to…

Movement Snacks

Not having time to move is not really an excuse. Arnold Schwarzenegger has famously said many things about making excuses, rather than time, to exercise. A recent one that chimed with me was posted on X on the 29th of August 2023 and it said; ‘Everybody has time to train. If you think you don’t, do me a favor [sic]:…