Christmas - Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December BlogHello and welcome to a brand-new month and a brand-new blog topic!

This month I will be talking a little bit about Christmas…. Yes yes, it has come to that time of year again! But I will also be talking about why you shouldn’t wait to begin your new years resolutions to get fitter, or stronger, or more active. Why wait another month to start that? Get started now and feel great for Christmas! In fact, get started now. Then enjoy all the little treats that Christmas brings with it, without the guilt that often comes with it.

Every year at this time, when the weather starts to change and we are all scraping ice from our windscreens when we have to go out, or cowering inside our warm homes. I really notice just how few people enjoy the out of doors right now. The more I go out in the wintry months, the less the cold affects me in general. The more enjoyment I get from being active. I live with a condition called Raynaud’s Syndrome, whereby cold exposure can limit the blood flow to my extremities. This causes them to turn deathly white as well as cause a lot of pain when the blood flow begins to return back to normal.

No more cold!

However, I have learned over the years that taking extreme steps to protect my hands and feet from the cold actually makes them worse!
I never need to wear gloves anymore and I go out of the house every single day to walk and deliver PT sessions. I am out of the house for at least two hours every day no matter the temperature. Blood flow from movement is absolutely vital for your overall health as well as for managing many conditions.

Christmas | Get Healthy, Get Outdoors!

Christmas Gifts – I will offer you the opportunity to buy your first three sessions of sports massage in 2022 with a discount for your own personal use. I believe looking after yourself following the festive season is the best gift you can give all your loved ones. Check my online booking page for details and take advantage before it disappears.

If you would like more information about healthy movement in your life, I would be honoured if you would join my new Facebook group to help you with your mobility and movement goals doors open on 5th January 2022 but you can request to join now!

Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s blog, and remember if you need help with moving more, email me at [email protected], or your muscles are hurting and nothing else is cutting it, you can book in online for a massage at

See you next time,