How long should it take to recover from an injury?

How long should it really take to recover from an injury? Oftentimes clients expectations are to be back to normal exceedingly quickly, and can be frustrated when that does not occur. Recover Reality This frustration can then lend itself to a slower recovery, in reality, as you try to force the speed that you are back to normal and can…

Personal Training and Optimising Your Recovery

Chloe offers Personal training, and now has timeslots available to book online to make it even easier for you to include an active element in your recovery. You do not need to just recover from injury, there are many things which require a guiding hand to recover from, including surgeries, diseases, accidents, mental health episodes, and sedentary lifestyles to name…

RICE and Peace & Love – Optimising Your Recovery

One of the first things we have a lot of people employ before they visit us, is the RICE protocol. Simply put, it stands for RICE Rest Ice Compression Elevation And was invented in 1978 by Dr. Gabe Mirkin in his Sports Medicine Book. However, that same doctor debunked his methodology, as recent research has proven this to actually slow…