You are the Best Investment

You might find that the men in your life are the least likely to make time for investing in themselves, even if they are the ones taking the time to invest financially! More often than not, Jen and I treat men in our dedicated treatment room who say to us, ‘I’m an all or nothing type of person’. We honestly…

You are the Best Investment You Will Make

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’? For those of you who haven’t, it basically means that if you, the cup, is empty, you are not able to ‘pour’ love on to those in your life and help them. Whether you are a spouse or a parent, or both, or have other responsibilities to…

You are the Best Investment You Will Make This Year

Firstly, happy new year! Jen and I both hope that you had a wonderful Christmas time with your loved ones and are starting the New Year feeling refreshed. We are going to start this year’s blogs talking about investments, and how you are the best investment you will make this year. If you haven’t already got investments of the financial…

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Jen and I hope that you have had a wonderful year so far and that the impending New Year will look after you. Why not think about introducing a self-care regimen for the whole of the year now, so that when your fresh January determination begins to wane, your appointments won’t? Sports Massage can be an important…

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope that you have a wonderful festive season and it is all that you hope for, including spending time with your family and eating lots of lovely food. And if you do indulge, do not let it stress you about any gained inches or if you rest more over this time. It is perfectly normal to need…

Stay Active In The Winter

How do you stay active in the winter, especially when the temperatures start to drop? What about avoiding pain and injury when your body is that little bit more tense because it is trying to protect itself against the colder weather? There is no one answer for everyone. However a good place to start is by being properly prepared for…

Astral Fitness Massage Membership

Fed up with your spouse moaning about aches and pains? Not sure what to buy them for Christmas? Many partners are hard to buy for, especially when they buy the things they really want for themselves. I know that is certainly true in mine and my husband’s case! Now you might think that a Sports Massage company wouldn’t have many…

VIP Massage Membership Reopens!

This is the only massage membership in Hinckley that we know of, and we are reopening the doors to it once more for its third successful year. We have not had a kneejerk reaction to the cost-of-living crisis and the increase of heating costs, because I did not want to add more stress to your household finances. However, my prices…

Therapy Expo

We are at the Therapy Expo today and tomorrow! Check out our stories on Facebook or Instagram pto see the pictures and videos of the days we are there and what we get up to. While we are out and about learning and hopefully making ourselves better therapists for you, take a moment to read over some of our fabulous…

Thank You For Supporting Jen

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Jen since she started with me at Astral Fitness at the beginning of July this year. Jen has settled in really well to her new role, gaining some brilliant reviews along the way and helping people resolve issues that they thought they would probably have to put up…