Christmas Walks – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Two

Hello and welcome to Part Two of this months blog, all about getting outdoors and a little bit about Christmas. I don’t know about you, but on the weekends I love to snuggle up on my sofa at home and watch cheesy Christmas movies with a beautifully velvetised* hot chocolate topped with a stroopwafel, but, I can’t do that all…

Christmas – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog

Hello and welcome to a brand-new month and a brand-new blog topic! This month I will be talking a little bit about Christmas…. Yes yes, it has come to that time of year again! But I will also be talking about why you shouldn’t wait to begin your new years resolutions to get fitter, or stronger, or more active. Why…

VIP Massage & Movement Membership

Hello and welcome to November’s blog, and this month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement, if you haven’t already introduced or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start! Last week I talked at the end of my blog about how life often gets in…

Movement is Medicine – Benefits of Massage & Movement

Hello and welcome to November’s blog – Movement is Medicine – Benefits of Massage & Movement. This month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement. If you haven’t already introduced or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start! Life Responsibilities How often do you have…

Benefits of Regular Massage

Hello and welcome to November’s blog. This month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement. If you haven’t already introduced or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start! Last week I listed some of the benefits to be had with massage. Did you know that…

Benefits of Massage & Movement

Hello and welcome to November’s blog. This month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement. If you haven’t already introduced movement to your life, or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start! It is nearly impossible for everyone at every time to take regular and…

Have You Introduced Any Movement Variations?

Hello and welcome to the fourth October blog, Have You Introduced Any Movement Variations? Variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the rest of your life. Have you tried to introduce any movement variations into your week since my last blog? Don’t worry if you haven’t, it can…

Variety In Your Movements

Hello and welcome to the third October blog, Variety In Your Movements. Variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the rest of your life. Last week I left you thinking about how to introduce daily movement to look after your joints and your body in general, to help…

Variation of Movement

Hello and welcome to the second October blog, All about Variation of Movement. Variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the rest of your life. Last week I left you pondering about the amount of different types of movement you usually do during your working week, and how…

Movement Variation

Hello and welcome to Octobers blog – Movement Variation. A brand new subject to discuss with you. So what is Movement Variation, and why am I discussing it? It is exactly as it sounds, actually. I am discussing it because variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the…