Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the fourth one in the New Year… Old You… because why do we need a New You at all?
I thought it would be nice to round off the January blogs with FIVE TIPS to improve your Old You to feel better within yourself. Because isn’t it nice to feel better and more capable within the only body you will ever have?
1. Move More – the first key to good mobility in general and to feel better, is to just get up and move more. Take the stairs, walk to the shops, set a timer and get up from your desk every hour. Or go to yoga, go to the countryside at the weekend.
2. Stretch – get those muscles unwound at the end of the day with a whole body stretch. Get those muscles to drop the days tensions, mobility won’t happen if your muscles are too stiff to move.
3. Strength – weak muscles won’t move your body, so do something to keep them strong. Resistance training of any kind, including weightlifting, martial arts, and yoga, are all designed to make your muscles stronger.
4. Energy – having the right energy for your muscles is so important. This comes from a healthy varied diet, enough calories overall, as well as general fitness, not forgetting adequate sleep at night.
5. Rest – not just getting your sleep in, this is about recognising that your body and mind need to rest from the stresses of the day and the week. Regular breaks from exercise as well as work are vital to overall mental and physical health.
Need Guidance?
Still not sure you’re getting it right? What if your day feels so busy there isn’t time to think about this other than a quick speed read of blogs giving you tips that don’t feel like they’re meant for you?
Head over to my group… I know it is yet another thing to look at online, however my endeavour is to move you towards carving out time for your own mobility and knowing how to do it without a screen nearby directing you.
My Group
Find my new group at www.facebook.com/groups/masteringmobility and ask to join, it is open now and because it is brand new, you will be in the perfect place to be seen and heard, and to ask for exactly what you would like to see in the group, as it will be shaped by you and the other members within it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this weeks blog, and if you feel that you need some guidance to get you started getting healthier, whether that is to resolve a pain issue, or to get fitter, please do get in touch with me to discuss your needs – [email protected] or if you know you need a massage to get started, head over to www.astralfitness.co.uk and the booking page to get booked in. Please do think ahead, as it is about a five week wait for appointments. If you’d like something sooner, please do book in and then message me to ask to join my waitlist for short notice availability.
If you would like more information about healthy movement in your life, I would be honoured if you would join my new Facebook group to help you with your mobility and movement goals www.facebook.com/groups/masteringmobility
See you soon!