Hello and welcome to Augusts fourth blog – Tendonitis, or Tendinosis? The Beginners Guide to Common Injuries. I hope that you are all having a great summer full of fun and activity. What if you’ve got a bit of an injury going on though? Is it a simple injury or something else? Read on… Firstly, When to Get Help Sometimes…
Hello and welcome to Augusts second blog, I hope that you are all having a great summer full of fun and activity. What if you’ve got a bit of an injury going on though? Is it a simple injury or something else? Read on… Firstly, When to Get Help Sometimes you know when you have done something like twisting your…
Hello and welcome to the final instalment in my series of blogs – So What’s Your Excuse? About how you are not fragile, and you should just get out there and move your body. Today I am going to talk about people with different physical abilities, and how they are rocking it in the sports world and don’t let their…
Hello and welcome to my blog. This is Part Two of my Injury Rehab blog, and last week I left you with: How do I Decide What to Do? Here’s the tricky part! What exactly do you do when injured and in discomfort, or in pain, and do not know where to start? Seeking help from a professional will usually…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about Injury Rehab. So, what exactly is Injury Rehab? It is a slow step-by-step process with the aim of helping you recover from an injury, an accident, or an operation. It is about identifying your weaknesses and strengths and designing a programme of rehabilitation around those to rebuild you to a point of…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, part two of How to be Pain Free. Last week I mentioned that pain can be the result of something else other than physical reasons… Biopsychosocial Pain This type of pain is complicated, and while I may be able to recognise it in you, I cannot diagnose it. It is simply pain from…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, Part ONE of two blogs… How to be Pain Free. That’s a big one, isn’t it? If I could wave a magic wand and instantly take your pain away, I’d have queues across the town. So, I don’t have a magic wand, and I can not take your pain away instantly. However, what…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about breathing. What can I tell you that you don’t already know about breathing, though? We all breathe, from the moment we are born, every single day, all day, and all night long, without fail. So why would a Sports Massage Therapist such as myself even consider how you breathe when you…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about having a healthy back. First, a little anatomy, so you can understand why it is not a cut and dried issue when it comes to your back. There are 33 bones in your spine with 140 overlapping and interconnected muscles enabling it to function correctly. 173 pieces of anatomy in the…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. It has been about strong glutes in the last few weeks in clinic, those, and necks, and I suspect it has been because we have all spent a hell of a lot more time sitting down and looking down. Anatomy first, your glutes are made up of three large muscles: Gluteus Maximus Gluteus…