Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Use it or Lose it – Part 4. Continuing on from last week, discussing mobility and why you need to USE IT OR LOSE IT. Have you ever woken up and your first movements of the day are jerky and creaky? Do you get asked to sit on your workout mat by…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Use it or Lose it – Part 3. Continuing on from last week, discussing mobility and why you need to USE IT OR LOSE IT. How to Improve Mobility and Why Here is the question that I get asked a lot. And the answer to improving mobility is to get stronger, to…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Use it or Lose it – Part 2. Continuing on from last week, discussing mobility and why you need to USE IT OR LOSE IT. Along with grey hairs and more wrinkles, less mobility seems to be that cornerstone marker of old age, ageing, and retirees. The dictionary classes mobility as: mobility…
Hello and welcome to this weeks blog – Use it or Lose it – Part 1. My first blog in February, the 30th month of the year… well it certainly feels like it, doesn’t it? I know that the period from Christmas to now dragged a bit, even though I did celebrate my 40th birthday mid-January, it was a hard…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – JUMP into January! – Part Four. It is now the LAST week of January and if you haven’t made a start on your health and fitness new year’s resolutions, or goals, then now is truly a great time to start. Jump into January and let that jump you into the rest of…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – JUMP into January! – Part Three. It is now the third week of January and if you haven’t made a start on your health and fitness new year’s resolutions, or goals, then now is a great time to start. Jump into January and let that jump you into the rest of the…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog -JUMP into January! – Part Two. It is now the second week of January and if you haven’t made a start on your health and fitness new year’s resolutions, or goals, then now is the time to start. Jump into January and let that jump you into the rest of the year. But…
Hello and welcome to my first blog in 2021- JUMP into January! – Part One Happy New Year to you, and let’s face it, it has got to be better than last year. I thought I would start with a positive theme for Januarys’ blogs. Jump into January is going to talk about what you can do to start your…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, Ten Things About Me. I thought that it might be a good idea to reintroduce myself. There are lots of new people enquiring about Sports Massage, and knowing a bit about the person delivering the massage can be a good way to feel comfortable about the whole process. I am Chloe and here…
Hello and welcome to this weeks blog As I have just finished my first full week back at work in over four months, I thought I would share what I have been up to during all of that time off work. I know I will be asking you when I see you, what the lockdown was like for you. The…