Desk worker self-care

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…

Desk working related pains

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…

Do you sit for long periods of time?

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…

Do you drive for your job?

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…

Are you a desk worker?

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…


When was the last time you explored somewhere new? When was the last time you explored Hinckley? Or Earl Shilton, Barwell, Burbage, or where you live? I frequently speak with clients about walking routes and places to discover in the locale to inspire a walk or two. To inspire a regular regime of walking, especially if their lives are largely…

Be Adventurous

Part of being fit and strong is being adventurous. That might mean taking part in adrenaline style sports. But it might also mean giving a new sport a go. You don’t have to feel like you are risking life and limb to achieve an adventure. Or to get your heart pumping. Getting fit itself can be part of your adventure,…

Have Hobbies

We are always asking you to consider your physical fitness when choosing to spend your free time, but it is also important to have some hobbies too, even if they are not contributing to your overall fitness. Why is that? Having hobbies has long been lauded as one of the secrets to mental wellbeing, that is, being happy. Sometimes hobbies…

Your Knees – Know Your Body

Knees can be funny things, some people never experience issues with theirs, while others always feel like something is not quite right with their knees. Your knees get a hard time of it too, supporting your body weight in every activity, but also they respond to what is happening at the hip and the ankle, because the knee is sandwiched…

Your Hips – Know Your Body

There are 21 muscles that cross each hip joint… that is a lot of muscle that needs to be strong to propel your body forward when you walk. In fact, other muscles also get involved in walking, your calves to name one. But your hips? They are at the centre of your world, anatomically speaking. Without hips you wouldn’t walk,…