Hello and welcome to this month’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at astral Fitness this year. A little while ago during that little hiccough we all know as the pandemic, there were a couple of lockdowns – remember those? During those times, I mulled over where I would like to be with my business, and what…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. I have been a busy bee over the last few weeks, transforming my treatment room to be more functional for what I have intended over the coming months, as well as making it more welcoming for your treatments with me.…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. Some of you may be aware, as I have been very excited about it, that Astral Fitness is expanding. I have a brand-new associate, Jen Llewellyn, starting with me this year, and as she is embarking on her course this…
Hello and welcome to my last blog for February. And there is some exciting news to report… keep reading to the end to find out what it is! Reducing Exercise Related Pain I hope that you have enjoyed the last few blogs about reducing pain from your exercise regimes. I thought I would offer some tips into a quick to…
Hello and welcome to my blog for February. So… are you hurting from your new fitness regime? What have you done about it so far? What are you going to do about it? Why Massage is Great for Pain? Whether you are experiencing DOMS, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or whether you are hurting because you are not giving your body…
Hello and welcome to my brand-new blog topic for February! How are the new workouts going? How is your current plan faring? Are they still serving you well, or is the boredom starting to set in? Are you just hurting each week with no end in sight? Giving Up It is around this point every year, that people start to…
Are You Hurting from a New Fitness Regime? Hello and welcome to my brand-new blog topic for February! I hope that you have had a productive few weeks in to the new year, quite often this does mean introducing a new fitness regime, or attempting to be more committed to a previous programme, or trying something new. DOMS You’re probably…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the fourth one in the New Year… Old You… because why do we need a New You at all? I thought it would be nice to round off the January blogs with FIVE TIPS to improve your Old You to feel better within yourself. Because isn’t it nice to feel better and more…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the third one in the New Year… where I am definitely not talking about a New You like everyone else around you. You – today, last year, next year – is perfect the way it is. But… What if you do want to feel different? Feel better? Feel more flexible? More mobile? I…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the first one in the New Year… HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that you have had a lovely Christmas and festive season and are ready and raring to go for the new year…. Which usually entails the ‘New You’ moniker to be rolled out on everything from gyms and health centres to clothing…