Movement is a Family Affair

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Movement is indeed a family affair, as I have handily mentioned in the title. If you feel like you lack time to be active, or to exercise, or to move particularly with intention and variety, mostly because of work and familial commitments, then perhaps you need to get the whole family involved with…

Modifications To Your Lifestyle

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, still about modifications but this time it is not just about modifications to your workouts that I will talk about – it is modifications to your lifestyle. The biggest barrier to getting stronger, fitter, healthier, and suffering less injuries, and recovering from workouts faster, is SLEEP. You can modify up and down all…

Modifications To Your Workouts

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about modifications to your workouts. What about if you already can run quite far, and can lift heavy weights, what then? Well then you are already quite fit, but I can almost guarantee you that you will struggle with at least one thing. Maybe hill running, or lunges, or your shoulders aren’t…

Take Advantage of Modifications

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, a bit more about modifications and how to take advantage of them. For at least a couple of decades I have used, and still use, workout DVDs. Now it’s more like workout apps on my phone or iPad these days, but the concept is the same. If you’re in the same boat and…

Why Modifications are Your Best Friend!

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, and a brand-new topic for May to discuss. Modifications- what are they and why should they be your best friend? When it comes to health and fitness, sports and exercise, a lot of people see only the best of what is out there – the people at the top of their game who…

Posture Isn’t Bad, Or Good, It Is Adapted

For the last in my April’s blogs, I want to remind you that your posture isn’t bad, or good, it is adapted. If you’re experiencing pain and believe it is because of your posture, it might be because your adaptations aren’t coping, come and see me to help you understand why and how to help you adapt it differently to…

Do You Think Your Posture is Bad?

Last week I mentioned that your body evolved to be in less or no pain during repetitive activities, but sometimes that doesn’t work. Read on… You might be in pain from your repetitive activities, even if your body has evolved its posture to adapt to what you are teaching it, training it even, to do, but why is that, even…

Check Your Posture

Hello and welcome back to my weekly blog, and I will pick straight back up from last weeks, about why I would check your posture when I have already told you that there is no such thing as ideal posture. There have been a lot of studies, and numerous books, dedicated to the art of assessing your posture, I have…

All About Your Posture

Hello and welcome to April’s blogs, all about your posture and what you think about it, and at the end of the month will be an update about my new associate, Jen Llewellyn. So, do you think your posture is bad? Or do you think it needs some work? It might surprise you to learn that ideal posture was first…

Reducing Exercise Related Pain | February Part Four

Hello and welcome to my last blog for February. And there is some exciting news to report… keep reading to the end to find out what it is! Reducing Exercise Related Pain I hope that you have enjoyed the last few blogs about reducing pain from your exercise regimes. I thought I would offer some tips into a quick to…