Take advantage of your youth and get started with a program of strength training this week. And yes, you still have enough youth at any age to have a little fun with new experiences. Such as getting yourself into the gym or starting a new exercise regimen. But what if you don’t like gym environments? That’s ok. Not all strengthening…
A common theme spoken about at Astral Fitness is about how it is never too late to start improving your fitness or learning something new. Right this moment, you are the youngest you’ll ever be again. You won’t get back your youth. The ease of movement as a teenager or the quick bounce back and recovery of your twenties. That…
April is nearly finished, the weather is getting nicer, and it might finally feel like the time for you to get your health and fitness in hand so that you can enjoy a pain free summer this year. Chloe has been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a new way of working with her with online digital courses…
Exciting news here at Astral Fitness.! Chloe has created a brand-new way to work with her, should your geography or time interfere with your ability to schedule an appointment directly with her. Ever since the lockdowns a few years ago, there was a clear gap in the offerings at Astral Fitness and Chloe has been working hard on finding exactly…
Did you know that you need 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight a day in the summertime to enjoy the boosting benefits of vitamin D? The sun needs to penetrate your skin, and the amount of skin needed is just that of your face, hands, and arms. Which can be a little tricky during the winter when we are cossetted…
Do you find it much harder to get up and out of the house now the days start darker, and the temperature is colder? You’re not alone It could just be the natural change of the seasons have got to you and you have not yet adapted to colder weather, or there could be something a little more going on…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Movement is for every family, and with Jen Llewellyn starting at Astral Fitness NEXT WEEK I thought that I would talk about how we handle movement within our families. We are both married and have two teenaged sons each. So we understand the challenges of what teenagers are interested in doing with us,…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Movement Is For All The Family, as I have handily mentioned in the title. If you feel like you lack time to be active, or to exercise, or to move particularly with intention and variety, mostly because of work and familial commitments, then perhaps you need to get the whole family involved with…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Movement is a family affair for all, as I have handily mentioned in the title. Do you feel like you lack time to be active, or to exercise, or to move particularly with intention and variety. Mostly because of work and familial commitments, then perhaps you need to get the whole family involved…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Its true movement is indeed a family affair, as I have handily mentioned in the title. Do you feel like you lack time to be active, or to exercise, or to move particularly with intention and variety. Mostly because of work and familial commitments, then perhaps you need to get the whole family…