Hello and welcome to my first blog in May, all about how awesome massage is – Top Ten Benefits Of Massage. And yes, I may be a tiny little bit biased. If you’ve never experienced a massage, or a sports massage such as the ones I deliver, then over the month of May I will give you some handy information…
Hello and welcome to my last blog in April – Shake Off Lockdown! – Part Four, all about shaking off lockdown. What have you done to ease yourself back into a less restricted world? I decided to ease into my sports massage appointments so that I did not exhaust myself too much and be too tired too quickly. If you’ve…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Shake Off Lockdown! – Part Three. How are you all faring back in a less restricted world? I started last weeks blog with what I got up to in the lockdowns, and here is the rest… LOCKDOWN 2.0…The less said about Lockdown 2.0 in November of last year, the better! LOCKDOWN 3.0…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Shake Off Lockdown! – Part Two. I am so excited! My business is re-open! WOOHOOOOOOO! But before we really get started into our new normal, I thought I would take a look back over the last rollercoaster of a year and tell you a bit about what I got up to, as…
Hello and welcome to April’s brand-new blog theme, all about shaking off the lockdown. Shaking off the last year, the pandemic stress, the boredom. Shaking off EVERYTHING that has happened this last year, physically and mentally. We are forging ever closer to the end of lockdown. Hopefully forever, and you should decide what you would like your post-pandemic life to…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Physical Pension – Part 5. The last in March and the last in my Physical Pension Series. If I had received £1 for every person who told me that they HATED exercise, I would probably be swimming in my own back garden pool right now! Usually these people don’t realise that they…
Hello and welcome to my blog this week – Physical Pension – Part 4. I am talking about how you can contribute to your Physical Pension even if you are already active because of your job. So, you’re a groundworker, multi-drop driver, shelf stacker, gardener, postie, dog walker, builder, police officer, or some other physically challenging job. You don’t need…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Physical Pension – Part 3. I am still talking about your Physical Pension and why you need one. Last week I mentioned that it is something that you need to ‘pay’ into on a regular basis, but what if you’re only a few years away from retirement, what do you do then?…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about your Physical Pension. A similar topic that I have discussed lots recently, but one that is so very important. You pay into a financial pension, but what happens when you get to retirement and you are physically incapable of enjoying that money? That’s where a Physical Pension comes in handy – what…
Hello and welcome to my first blog in March – Are You Paying into Your Physical Pension? Hopefully this is the last full month of national lockdown. Yep, that’s right, we can all start getting back to normal next month, woohoo! And that means, massages could well be back on the menu too, so that’s an even bigger WOOHOOOOOOO! But…