RICE and Peace & Love – Optimising Your Recovery

One of the first things we have a lot of people employ before they visit us, is the RICE protocol. Simply put, it stands for RICE Rest Ice Compression Elevation And was invented in 1978 by Dr. Gabe Mirkin in his Sports Medicine Book. However, that same doctor debunked his methodology, as recent research has proven this to actually slow…

Optimising Your Recovery

Do you know about all the other services that Astral Fitness has to offer when it comes to optimising your recovery? What exactly is optimising your recovery supposed to mean? Everyone recovers, eventually, at one rate or another. But why spend longer recovering than you need to? Why not use all the services and tools out there to keep your…

Progress to Strong & Capable Body

Figuring out how to become stronger once you have started on your fitness journey can be a little confusing at times. Flitting from one plan to another can make you feel like you’re giving your muscles enough feedback to grow and change, but actually the truth is a little more boring than that. Progressive overload is key This means working…

Routine for Building a Strong & Capable Body

Routine is a necessary evil for most things in our lives. From school runs, to getting to work on time, exercise is no different. If you do not make time for it in your life, then you are unlikely to ever get it done. Make whatever exercise you are committed to doing a non-negotiable in your life. Which means you…

Building a Capable Body

It is never too late to start building a strong and capable body. In fact, the older you get, the more vital it is to take care of your muscles and bones, to aid in keeping strong mental health as well as reducing the likelihood of slips, trips, and falls. Suffering a broken bone in later life can sometimes be…

Building a Strong Body

Engaging in sports and activities that challenge you mentally and physically, will, over time, increase your mental and physical health. What challenges you, changes you. Maybe you fancy trying a new activity to get you fitter? But maybe you do not feel fit enough to take part? If you are a complete beginner to exercise, then start with walking and…

Building a Strong & Capable Body

Building a strong and capable body is not always going to look the way you think it is going to look, it is not always about lifting heavy weights. Not something I thought I would say, but actually there are many ways to be strong, and lifting weights is just one of those ways. Arguably it is the most efficient…

Charity Fun Run

Chloe usually writes the blogs here at Astral Fitness, but has decided to rest her weary fingers and let Jen takeover for the month of April, this is the final week of the takeover and Chloe will be back writing for you next month. Have suggestions of what you’d like to read? Pop Chloe an email to [email protected] and let…


Jen is continuing her takeover of the Astral Fitness Blogs this month, letting Chloe rest her weary fingers for a little while. It is apt that Jen is with you this month, as it was two years ago this month that Chloe first introduced you to Jen and she started shadowing her during some of your appointments. This week Jen…

Sports Therapy Association (STA)

Chloe usually writes the blogs here at Astral Fitness, but has decided to rest her weary fingers and let Jen takeover for the month of April. An Update with Jen As part of our profession, we have an obligation to keep up to date, relevant and educated. Chloe and I are both full members of the Sports Therapy Association (STA),…