At the end of last month, I touched briefly on the subject of perimenopause, and I would like to revisit the subject for February’s blogs and how it can impact a woman’s musculoskeletal health and how sports massage can help with those symptoms. This is very relevant reading for both men and women. You might remember that I said that…
Jen and I have been having a lot of conversations lately around Perimenopause and Menopause, primarily because we have both started to experience some of the myriad of symptoms that can be experienced during perimenopause. As therapists though, it has piqued our interest in how going through the perimenopause can significantly impact how women feel in their bodies from a…
Another fun little thing Jen and I picked up at the Therapy Expo in November last year, were some Rockpods and Rock Glides, which we have now studied and are happy to use within the treatment time with you to provide an extra element to your injury recovery. Just like the Wavestone I talked about last week, these are little…
You may recall that Jen and I went to the Therapy Expo a couple of months ago, and one of things we came away with were a couple of tools to help look after our hands, and in particular, our thumbs. The tools in question are called Wavestones and they are made from White Jade. They are heated gently in…
Hello and welcome to this month’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. I have an associate joining me at Astral Fitness, Jen Llewellyn, helping me to deliver more sessions of pain relief to more of you, and providing greater flexibility to your appointments should I not have the availability you need. In…
Hello and welcome to this month’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. During January I made some changes to my treatment room, based within on Leicester Road in Hinckley. Painting walls, furniture removed, furniture installed. As well as, new pictures, and this fantastic piece of artwork inspired by the knots you…
Hello and welcome to this month’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at astral Fitness this year. A little while ago during that little hiccough we all know as the pandemic, there were a couple of lockdowns – remember those? During those times, I mulled over where I would like to be with my business, and what…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. I have been a busy bee over the last few weeks, transforming my treatment room to be more functional for what I have intended over the coming months, as well as making it more welcoming for your treatments with me.…
Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. Some of you may be aware, as I have been very excited about it, that Astral Fitness is expanding. I have a brand-new associate, Jen Llewellyn, starting with me this year, and as she is embarking on her course this…
Hello and welcome to my blog for February. So… are you hurting from your new fitness regime? What have you done about it so far? What are you going to do about it? Why Massage is Great for Pain? Whether you are experiencing DOMS, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or whether you are hurting because you are not giving your body…