Astral Fitness Sports Massage Blog

Should we rest and sleep more in the winter?

Should we rest and sleep more in the winter?

Did you know that humans are meant to rest and sleep more in the winter? With the evolution of reliable and bright indoor lighting, we have mostly forgotten this. But, before all that, we would bed down earlier, retreat indoors and focus more toward interpersonal relationships and resting to recover from the hard work of harvesting food to survive the…
Are You Busy?

Are You Busy?

Let’s flip the internal script we often have inside our heads that lead us into believing that not only we need to work damn hard to deserve any kind of rest, but that we should be busy, constantly. That the only worth in life comes from being busy. Busy working. Busy socialising. Busy paying bills. Busy running errands. Busy with…


‘’Instead of asking, ‘Have I worked hard enough to rest?’, I’ve started asking, ‘Have I rested enough to do my most loving, meaningful work?’.’’ Nicola Jane Hobbs I have borrowed this quote from a business networking group I run with two other local businesswomen. It inspired me particularly this month, following on from a busy Christmas period, immediately followed up…
And Breathe

And Breathe

And Breathe.The toughest month of the year is almost over! What can we tell you that you don’t already know about breathing, though? We all breathe. From the moment we are born, every single day, all day, and all night long, without fail. So why would Sports Massage Therapists even consider how you breathe when you come to see us?…
Deep Relaxation Sessions

Deep Relaxation Sessions

Deep relaxation sessions are now available at Astral Fitness. Deeper tissue massage can be booked online with Steve, who is now also offering Reiki sessions. An alternative to those preferring a hands-off style of relaxation. Want to know more about Reiki? Message us here. Please head to to book directly with Steve. You do not need to book a…
Kettlebell Sport Coach

Kettlebell Sport Coach

Chloe has been working hard behind the scenes learning some new skills! Recently qualified as an IKO Kettlebell Sport Coach, and as a British Weightlifting Kettlebell coach to complement her personal training qualifications. If you know Chloe, you will know how passionate she is about being physically and mentally strong and the part that strength training plays in that. Chloe…
Exclusive Massage Membership

Exclusive Massage Membership

Another exciting thing to expect at Astral Fitness this year, is the reopening of our exclusive Massage Membership. Being a member of the Massage Membership protects you from price increases for at least one year, oftentimes longer depending on how many people are in the membership. You pay your massage cost upfront via Standing Order from your bank on the…
Exciting Changes at Astral

Exciting Changes at Astral

Happy New Year! We have got some exciting things happening at Astral Fitness this year, with the hope of providing you with more options for looking after yourself and to keep you moving well for life. The first new thing this year, is introducing you to our new therapist, Samantha Smith. Here are a few words from Sam herself; Hi,…
Helping You With Your Physical Pension

Helping You With Your Physical Pension

Merry Christmas! I am talking about how you can contribute to your Physical Pension even if you are already active because of your job yes even over Christmas, usually a time for reflection and to think about how you would like next year to look. So, you’re a groundworker, multi-drop driver, shelf stacker, gardener, postie, dog walker, builder, police officer,…
Save Now For Your Physical Pension

Save Now For Your Physical Pension

and I am still talking about your Physical Pension and why you need one. Last week I mentioned that it is something that you need to ‘pay’ into on a regular basis, but what if you’re only a few years away from retirement, what do you do then? And the answer is easy. START NOW. Yes, it’s really that simple,…
Pay Into Your Physical Pension

Pay Into Your Physical Pension

A similar topic that I have discussed lots recently, but one that is so very important. You pay into a financial pension, but what happens when you get to retirement, and you are physically incapable of enjoying that money? That’s where a Physical Pension comes in handy – what you put in now, and regularly put in, up until you…
Your Physical Pension

Your Physical Pension

I am here to talk about your Physical Pension. What’s that, I hear you ask? And no, it is not a personal medical insurance policy nor an actual pension. You probably already have a traditional pension; you might even pay into every month with your employer matching your contributions so that you can look after your financial future in your…
Getting Out of Doors for Your Health

Getting Out of Doors for Your Health

Welcome to Part Four of your December blog, talking all about getting out of doors for your health and getting a jump start on a healthy new you ready for the new year – go on, be ahead of the curve for a change! Did you know that your heart needs to work harder when it is cold? Thus, burning…
Getting Out and About in the Cold

Getting Out and About in the Cold

Hello and welcome to this month’s blog, all about getting out and about in the cold and getting a jump start on the new year and the resolutions for fitness it often brings with it. Getting fitter in the cold can bring challenges with it, but also can be a lot more rewarding. Knowing you have managed to get out…
Getting Outdoors

Getting Outdoors

Hello and welcome to Part Two of this months blog, all about getting outdoors and out and about a little bit. I don’t know about you, but on the weekends I love to snuggle up on my sofa at home and watch cheesy Christmas movies with a hot chocolate topped with a stroopwafel, but, I can’t do that all day.…
Get Healthy, Get Outside!

Get Healthy, Get Outside!

This month I will be talking a little bit about Christmas. Yes yes, it has almost come to that time of year again, but I will also be talking about why you shouldn’t wait to begin your new years resolutions to get fitter, or stronger, or more active. Why wait to start that? Get started now and feel great for…
Misbehaving Lower Back

Misbehaving Lower Back

MUSCLES. LIGAMENTS. TENDONS and the imbalances they have as well as tightness or weakness can cause your lower back to misbehave. Sometimes it is a little more complicated than that, and a face-to-face consultation would be more beneficial for you. Most Common Cause One of the most common causes of low back issues could be your glutes. Those big fleshy…
Lower Back Discomfort

Lower Back Discomfort

While it used to be known as lumbago, lower back discomfort can cause all sorts of issues within those who are suffering with it, and contrary to popular belief, it’s not always a disc herniation that’s responsible nor is your back ‘weak’ or ‘delicate’, two such terms bandied about in forums I’ve seen this week when someone simply asked for…
Healthy Back Practices

Healthy Back Practices

Movement. Exercise. Strength Training. Flexibility Work. Movement. Healthy Sleep. Good Shoes. Movement. Supportive Chair. Floor Sitting. Hydration. More Movement. There really is not a lot more to it than that. Your back needs to be challenged to become strong, to stay strong and therefore be healthy. Movement must be in all planes that the back is capable, including your arms…
Your Back is Hurting Right Now

Your Back is Hurting Right Now

The absolute best thing you can do right now is to MOVE. Carefully, gently, but yes, move and keep moving. The last thing you want is your muscles learning to be in a tightened or distressed state. A few years ago I put my back out during a weighted squat, I felt my form break and knew instantly that I…
Have a Healthy Back

Have a Healthy Back

Here’s a little anatomy lesson so you can understand why it is not a cut and dried issue when it comes to your back, and keeping you moving well and pain free. There are 33 bones in your spine with 140 overlapping and interconnected muscles with five major ligaments enabling it to function correctly. 178+ pieces of anatomy in the…
Sports Massage Reviews

Sports Massage Reviews

Reviews! Who doesn’t love a great review, and it can help reassure you that you are making the right decision before committing to an appointment with one of us. I have chosen a few reviews here, and if you would like to see more, then head to my google listing or my Facebook page. As you can see from the…
Your first appointment

Your first appointment

We are still talking to you about what your first appointment might look like and left off last week about the assessments we do with you. Postural Assessments And biomechanical checks are very important to us when we first meet you. We can see if a muscle is tight or overactive in one area of your body, or if there…
What Happens at a Sports Massage?

What Happens at a Sports Massage?

During your first visit to Astral Fitness, you will be asked to take a seat to have an honest conversation about why you have booked in. We like to hear it in your words about what is bothering you, and then delve a bit deeper into your lifestyle to help us ascertain why you started hurting in the first place,…
Does Sports Massage Hurt?

Does Sports Massage Hurt?

So, what exactly is a Sports Massage like? Many assume that it’s going to hurt, and that’s down to a few unscrupulous therapists publishing videos of people being hurt during their massage. I have also seen pictures of the aftermath of Sports Massage, of the bruises that have arisen from a treatment, and it looks nothing short of shocking and…
The Importance of Glutes

The Importance of Glutes

Or rather, strong feet and ankles and why they are so important for having strong glutes. Anything happening at your hips and in your glutes, might have started with an issue in your ankles and feet or are the issues you are experiencing at your hips and in your glutes responsible for what is happening in your feet and ankles?…
When it is Not the Glutes Being Tricky?

When it is Not the Glutes Being Tricky?

So, you think that your glutes are fine, you are working them out regularly, but something still does not feel right. Maybe it is one of the deeper gluteal region muscles I mentioned earlier, the piriformis being the number one culprit of many a discomfort. This muscle originates from the anterior sacrum and sacroiliac joint and inserts on the greater…
Strong Glutes

Strong Glutes

Your glutes need to be thought about and worked out to be strong, but not to the detriment of the other muscles in the body. They need to be strong to support all the other activities you like to do, as I said in the previous blog, they aid running propulsion, and if you slow down running, what other propulsion…
Strong Glutes and Why They Are Important

Strong Glutes and Why They Are Important

It has been all about glutes in the last few weeks in clinic, those, and necks, and I suspect it has been because we have all spent a hell of a lot more time sitting down and looking down since lockdown, and for some of us that is a trend we are still stuck. A lot more people are working…
Maintaining Healthy Movement Even When You Think You Can’t

Maintaining Healthy Movement Even When You Think You Can’t

You may have seen some of my teaser posts on Facebook and Instagram hinting at some exciting news, and it is finally here! Part of not being fragile is maintaining healthy movement even when you think you can’t. Desk workers are one of the most common groups of people Jen and I treat, and they do find it so hard…
Move Your Body

Move Your Body

You are not fragile, and you should just get out there and move your body. Today I am going to talk about people with different physical abilities, and how they are rocking it in the sports world and don’t let their bodies hold them back. In fact, they use every inch of their body to such great effect, they are…
Do You Think Your Fragile?

Do You Think Your Fragile?

We are still talking all about how your body is not fragile! And why you should get out there and get it moving! This week I am going to talk to you about Fascia, what it is and just how strong it is. Fascia Fascia is a more recently discovered element of the human body, yet it is vital to…
You Are Not Fragile - Honestly!

You Are Not Fragile – Honestly!

YOU ARE NOT FRAGILE Yeah, we shouted at you, and I am not apologising at all for it. Too many people walk into our treatment room with the words ‘I have a weak.’ with no clinical reasoning for it, no formal diagnosis, no MRI scan to back up what a doctor has assumed is wrong with you. In fact, nothing…
You Are Not Fragile

You Are Not Fragile

The human body is amazing, and surprisingly very strong. But you and I both know people who avoid certain movements or activities for fear of hurting themselves and they are probably hurting themselves more in the long run. We know someone who is afraid of twisting movements, because one time a few years ago, a twisting movement put them in…
How long should it take to recover from an injury?

How long should it take to recover from an injury?

How long should it really take to recover from an injury? Oftentimes clients expectations are to be back to normal exceedingly quickly, and can be frustrated when that does not occur. Recover Reality This frustration can then lend itself to a slower recovery, in reality, as you try to force the speed that you are back to normal and can…
Personal Training and Optimising Your Recovery

Personal Training and Optimising Your Recovery

Chloe offers Personal training, and now has timeslots available to book online to make it even easier for you to include an active element in your recovery. You do not need to just recover from injury, there are many things which require a guiding hand to recover from, including surgeries, diseases, accidents, mental health episodes, and sedentary lifestyles to name…
RICE and Peace & Love

RICE and Peace & Love – Optimising Your Recovery

One of the first things we have a lot of people employ before they visit us, is the RICE protocol. Simply put, it stands for RICE Rest Ice Compression Elevation And was invented in 1978 by Dr. Gabe Mirkin in his Sports Medicine Book. However, that same doctor debunked his methodology, as recent research has proven this to actually slow…
Optimising Your Recovery

Optimising Your Recovery

Do you know about all the other services that Astral Fitness has to offer when it comes to optimising your recovery? What exactly is optimising your recovery supposed to mean? Everyone recovers, eventually, at one rate or another. But why spend longer recovering than you need to? Why not use all the services and tools out there to keep your…
Progress to Strong & Capable Body

Progress to Strong & Capable Body

Figuring out how to become stronger once you have started on your fitness journey can be a little confusing at times. Flitting from one plan to another can make you feel like you’re giving your muscles enough feedback to grow and change, but actually the truth is a little more boring than that. Progressive overload is key This means working…
Routine for Building a Strong & Capable Body

Routine for Building a Strong & Capable Body

Routine is a necessary evil for most things in our lives. From school runs, to getting to work on time, exercise is no different. If you do not make time for it in your life, then you are unlikely to ever get it done. Make whatever exercise you are committed to doing a non-negotiable in your life. Which means you…
Building a Capable Body

Building a Capable Body

It is never too late to start building a strong and capable body. In fact, the older you get, the more vital it is to take care of your muscles and bones, to aid in keeping strong mental health as well as reducing the likelihood of slips, trips, and falls. Suffering a broken bone in later life can sometimes be…
Building a Strong Body

Building a Strong Body

Engaging in sports and activities that challenge you mentally and physically, will, over time, increase your mental and physical health. What challenges you, changes you. Maybe you fancy trying a new activity to get you fitter? But maybe you do not feel fit enough to take part? If you are a complete beginner to exercise, then start with walking and…
Building a Strong & Capable Body

Building a Strong & Capable Body

Building a strong and capable body is not always going to look the way you think it is going to look, it is not always about lifting heavy weights. Not something I thought I would say, but actually there are many ways to be strong, and lifting weights is just one of those ways. Arguably it is the most efficient…
Charity Fun Run

Charity Fun Run

Chloe usually writes the blogs here at Astral Fitness, but has decided to rest her weary fingers and let Jen takeover for the month of April, this is the final week of the takeover and Chloe will be back writing for you next month. Have suggestions of what you’d like to read? Pop Chloe an email to [email protected] and let…


Jen is continuing her takeover of the Astral Fitness Blogs this month, letting Chloe rest her weary fingers for a little while. It is apt that Jen is with you this month, as it was two years ago this month that Chloe first introduced you to Jen and she started shadowing her during some of your appointments. This week Jen…
Sports Therapy Association (STA)

Sports Therapy Association (STA)

Chloe usually writes the blogs here at Astral Fitness, but has decided to rest her weary fingers and let Jen takeover for the month of April. An Update with Jen As part of our profession, we have an obligation to keep up to date, relevant and educated. Chloe and I are both full members of the Sports Therapy Association (STA),…
Be Willing to be a Beginner Every Day

Be Willing to be a Beginner Every Day

Chloe usually writes the blogs here at Astral Fitness, but has decided to rest her weary fingers and let Jen takeover for the month of April. A Catch Up with Jen In the treatment room at Astral Fitness there is a calendar with a daily saying, thought, or quote. As I turn over to the new day, read the lines,…
A Few Days Of Low Pain

A Few Days Of Low Pain

You are having a few days of low pain, or pain free movement with your back, or any part of your body that is bothering you, so what to do to make the most of these days? Start slow and easy. The biggest mistake with your back is to rush straight back to a normal workout, or a hard and…
Strong Backs Run in the Family!

Strong Backs Run in the Family!

How about saying; ‘Strong Backs Run in the Family’. It might be a complete lie, if you’re reading this, it may be because you truly have believed that your weak back runs in your family, but it is a very quick way to undo some of your brains expectations about your back. When you begin to believe that your back…
Weak Back Runs In The Family?

Weak Back Runs In The Family?

When you think your weak back runs in the family, it is likely you have been conditioned to think that way by your family. Now, I don’t mean that in brain-washing-cult kind of way, but more in that you hear how your loved ones talk about their pain, and that is how your brain talks to itself about the same…
So You Think Your Back is Weak?

So You Think Your Back is Weak?

Both Jen and myself have a lot of clients come to see us with back pain, back discomfort, and occasional back issues. We also have a lot of those clients who genuinely believe that their back is weak. Why is that? Physiologically, your back is very unlikely to actually be weak. These blogs will explore some of the reasons why…
Dr. Newson

Dr. Newson

Quite often, when dealing with something like perimenopause, it can feel far reaching and you will need further support other than massage and strength training although I really do advocate strength training in all its guises to be the first thing you try before anything else. My next biggest recommendation to clients after giving strength training a go is to…
Positive Impact On Perimenopausal Woman

Positive Impact On Perimenopausal Woman

Probably the most mind-blowing fact that both Chloe & Jen have come across so far on their research into perimenopause, is that strength training has just about the biggest positive impact on perimenopausal woman and her symptoms. We both love strength training and have been doing it for years and we are absolutely thrilled that something we enjoy so much…
Perimenopause and Sports Massage

Perimenopause and Sports Massage

It has been reported that perimenopause can be responsible for about 100 different symptoms and can often make a woman feel like she is going completely mad and getting the right support system in place is vital to navigate what can be very choppy waters and come out the other side feeling safe from the journey. The following symptoms can…


At the end of last month, I touched briefly on the subject of perimenopause, and I would like to revisit the subject for February’s blogs and how it can impact a woman’s musculoskeletal health and how sports massage can help with those symptoms. This is very relevant reading for both men and women. You might remember that I said that…
Perimenopause and Menopause

Perimenopause and Menopause

Jen and I have been having a lot of conversations lately around Perimenopause and Menopause, primarily because we have both started to experience some of the myriad of symptoms that can be experienced during perimenopause. As therapists though, it has piqued our interest in how going through the perimenopause can significantly impact how women feel in their bodies from a…
Rockpods and Rock Glides

Rockpods and Rock Glides

Another fun little thing Jen and I picked up at the Therapy Expo in November last year, were some Rockpods and Rock Glides, which we have now studied and are happy to use within the treatment time with you to provide an extra element to your injury recovery. Just like the Wavestone I talked about last week, these are little…


You may recall that Jen and I went to the Therapy Expo a couple of months ago, and one of things we came away with were a couple of tools to help look after our hands, and in particular, our thumbs. The tools in question are called Wavestones and they are made from White Jade. They are heated gently in…
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2024 and the beginning of the fifth year I have been writing these blogs, and the fifth year some of you have been reading them and I am already wondering, maybe like you, what changes have you made from reading them and if you haven’t quite reached that point of making changes, whether this year…
The Answers To Muscle Pain

The Answers To Muscle Pain – Move!

Remember at the start of December when I said that sometimes you might wake up in the morning and moving might trigger you to hurt a bit, but then moving was the exact solution to that pain? What an oxymoron that is! Let me explain. Sleeping is a period of resting and repair for your body, and you wake up…
Miracle Of Biomechanical Evolution

Miracle Of Biomechanical Evolution

Your body is a miracle of biomechanical evolution. It has 206 bones and over 600 muscles! Six HUNDRED muscles. Wow. Think about how much your body has had to go through to become the wonderful human you are, and you deserve to be as happy and healthy as possible. One of the quickest ways to be healthy, other than nutrition,…
Physiological Need To Move

Physiological Need To Move

Your body wants to move. You have a deep psychological and physiological need to move. If you are able to move your body in any way at all, then you absolutely should. Not everyone enjoys exercising or going to the gym to do said exercise, and that is ok. You do not need to go to the gym to have…
Your Body Wants to Move

Your Body Wants to Move

Did you ever wake up one morning and have a crick in your neck? Or a pain in your back between your should blades? Maybe you are slow to get out of bed because more things hurt first thing in the morning before you have gotten warmed up and moving. Or are you one of the people whose feet are…
VIP Massage Membership Reopens!

VIP Massage Membership Reopens!

This is the only massage membership in Hinckley that we know about, and we are reopening the doors to it once more for its fourth successful year. We have not had a kneejerk reaction to the cost-of-living crisis and the increase of heating costs, because I did not want to add more stress to your household finances. However, my prices…
Jen At Astral Fitness

Therapy Expo 2023

We are at the Therapy Expo today and tomorrow! Check out our stories on Facebook and Instagram to see the pictures and videos of the days we are there and what we get up to. While we are out and about learning and hopefully making ourselves better therapists for you, take a moment to read over some of our fabulous…
Jen At Astral Fitness

Jen At Astral Fitness

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Jen since she started with me at Astral Fitness last year. The time has simply flown by and Jen has flourished, gaining some brilliant reviews along the way and helping people resolve issues that they thought they would probably have to put up with for a very long…
Vitamin D

Vitamin D

Did you know that you need 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight a day in the summertime to enjoy the boosting benefits of vitamin D? The sun needs to penetrate your skin, and the amount of skin needed is just that of your face, hands, and arms. Which can be a little tricky during the winter when we are cossetted…
Swedish Style Sports Massage

Swedish Style Sports Massage

Do you find it much harder to get up and out of the house now the days start darker, and the temperature is colder? You’re not alone It could just be the natural change of the seasons have got to you and you have not yet adapted to colder weather, or there could be something a little more going on…
Time To Workout

Time To Workout

Still not sure where to get started with movement snacks or full workouts? Don’t think you have the time to do the workout, let alone plan what it is you’d like to do? Then it might be time to find a personal trainer. You make a regular appointment with someone who is happy to put you through your paces and…
Movement Snacks and Big Workouts

Movement Snacks and Big Workouts

Movement snacks can be beneficial to those who make time for big workouts and get all the things they want with them. I use movement snacks all the time, even when I have completed a workout that day. Where they come in handy for me is, that it can help undo tightness or achiness in a muscle or joint because…
Vary Your Movement Snacks

Vary Your Movement Snacks

Who got inspired by Arnold Scwarzenegger last week? Don’t know what I am talking about? Head over to and take a look at last weeks blog, then pop back here and continue reading. ‘If you don’t find the time, if you don’t do the work, you don’t get the results’. – Arnold Scwarzenegger Now he may be referring to…
Movement Snacks

Movement Snacks

Not having time to move is not really an excuse. Arnold Schwarzenegger has famously said many things about making excuses, rather than time, to exercise. A recent one that chimed with me was posted on X on the 29th of August 2023 and it said; ‘Everybody has time to train. If you think you don’t, do me a favor :…
Just Keep Going

Just Keep Going

After becoming proficient in walking about a lot more, you might feel that you could do with more of a challenge to keep your fitness progressing. For that we thoroughly recommend weightlifting. Yep, you read that right! I do not think you are too old. Weightlifting in one of its many forms will do you the world of good. You…
It’s Never Too Late to Start

It’s Never Too Late to Start

Think you’re too old to start exercising and looking after your body? Wrong. It is never too late to start taking better care of yourself, and it could mean the difference between having an independent and good quality of life in your retirement years and beyond. But where do you start if you have never really taken care of yourself?…
Happy Birthday Astral Fitness!

Happy Birthday Astral Fitness!

It’s our birthday – 5 years ago this week, Chloe qualified for her sports massage qualification! Thank you so much, to you, for your support of my little business, allowing it to grow to help me help people out of pain, and allow me to take on Jen Llewellyn, my associate who joined me last year in providing even more…
Start with Your Feet

Start with Your Feet

You walk around barefoot enough to know that your feet can handle being completely flat to the ground, you don’t experience calf pain or fatigue by existing this way at home. The next step is to investigate shoes that allow you to continue this way of walking while outside the house. Chloe highly recommends Altra Shoes as they have a…
Desk worker self-care

Desk worker self-care

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…
Desk working related pains

Desk working related pains

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…
Do you sit for long periods of time?

Do you sit for long periods of time?

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…
Do you drive for your job?

Do you drive for your job?

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…
Are you a desk worker?

Are you a desk worker?

Are you a desk worker? Or drive for your job? Professions which require you to sit for long periods of time can result in very particular types of muscular issues. Jen and I specialise in using the hands-on art of Sports Massage to solve your desk working related acute and chronic aches and pains in your neck, shoulders, back, legs…


When was the last time you explored somewhere new? When was the last time you explored Hinckley? Or Earl Shilton, Barwell, Burbage, or where you live? I frequently speak with clients about walking routes and places to discover in the locale to inspire a walk or two. To inspire a regular regime of walking, especially if their lives are largely…
Be Adventurous

Be Adventurous

Part of being fit and strong is being adventurous. That might mean taking part in adrenaline style sports. But it might also mean giving a new sport a go. You don’t have to feel like you are risking life and limb to achieve an adventure. Or to get your heart pumping. Getting fit itself can be part of your adventure,…
Have Hobbies

Have Hobbies

We are always asking you to consider your physical fitness when choosing to spend your free time, but it is also important to have some hobbies too, even if they are not contributing to your overall fitness. Why is that? Having hobbies has long been lauded as one of the secrets to mental wellbeing, that is, being happy. Sometimes hobbies…
Happy 1st Anniversary to Jen

Happy 1st Anniversary to Jen

Neither Jen nor I can quite believe it, but yes, she has been with Astral Fitness for a whole year now! There is a bit more to it than that though. Jen undertook training for several months and then shadowed me at work for a few months too, and we have taken extra education together as well as frequently chatting…
Your Knees

Your Knees – Know Your Body

Knees can be funny things, some people never experience issues with theirs, while others always feel like something is not quite right with their knees. Your knees get a hard time of it too, supporting your body weight in every activity, but also they respond to what is happening at the hip and the ankle, because the knee is sandwiched…
Your Hips - Know Your Body

Your Hips – Know Your Body

There are 21 muscles that cross each hip joint that is a lot of muscle that needs to be strong to propel your body forward when you walk. In fact, other muscles also get involved in walking, your calves to name one. But your hips? They are at the centre of your world, anatomically speaking. Without hips you wouldn’t walk,…
Your Shoulders - Know Your Body

Your Shoulders – Know Your Body

How many times have you heard someone tell you that they have a rotator cuff issue but don’t really seem to know much more about it? Maybe you are that person, and you have been told that you have a rotator cuff tear. When Jen and myself are told this, our next question nearly always is, which muscle is effected?…
Your Neck - Know Your Body

Your Neck – Know Your Body

You think you know your own body, right? But how many times have you said ‘I don’t know why this hurts’ or the very common, ‘I must have slept funny on it’ and the one that makes me chuckle a little, ‘that workout is making my muscles hurt, I won’t do that again!’ This week we are taking a quick…
Decrease Your Risk Of Developing Dementia

Decrease Your Risk Of Developing Dementia

Another advantage of being physically active your whole life and into your senior years, is that you are at less risk of developing dementia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, hypertension, and various cancers. Just reading that, why wouldn’t you want to move? Especially if you have a familial history of any of the above. Obviously, being more active is not a guarantee…
Get Your Kids Started With Healthy Activity

Get Your Kids Started With Healthy Activity

Get your kids started with healthy activity from a young age. They will likely continue being active their whole lives in one way or another. Better yet, join in with them and let their youthful energy give you a boost in your own activities. You’ll never be this young again, nor will your kids. How many times have you already…
Three Planes Of Movement

Three Planes Of Movement

Last week I mentioned planes of movement and about making sure that you moved well in all of them. But what are planes of movement and how do you make sure that you are moving well in all of them? There are three planes of movement for the body. Coronal, Sagittal, and Transverse. Words which don’t really mean a lot…
Take Advantage Of Your Youth

Take Advantage Of Your Youth

Take advantage of your youth and get started with a program of strength training this week. And yes, you still have enough youth at any age to have a little fun with new experiences. Such as getting yourself into the gym or starting a new exercise regimen. But what if you don’t like gym environments? That’s ok. Not all strengthening…
You’re the Youngest You’ll Ever be, Right Now

You’re the Youngest You’ll Ever be, Right Now

A common theme spoken about at Astral Fitness is about how it is never too late to start improving your fitness or learning something new. Right this moment, you are the youngest you’ll ever be again. You won’t get back your youth. The ease of movement as a teenager or the quick bounce back and recovery of your twenties. That…
Online Digital Courses

Online Digital Courses

April is nearly finished, the weather is getting nicer, and it might finally feel like the time for you to get your health and fitness in hand so that you can enjoy a pain free summer this year. Chloe has been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a new way of working with her with online digital courses…
Mastering Mobility

Mastering Mobility

Exciting news here at Astral Fitness.! Chloe has created a brand-new way to work with her, should your geography or time interfere with your ability to schedule an appointment directly with her. Ever since the lockdowns a few years ago, there was a clear gap in the offerings at Astral Fitness and Chloe has been working hard on finding exactly…
Sponsoring Events Like Hinckley Pride

Sponsoring Events Like Hinckley Pride

Talking of sponsoring events like Hinckley Pride, did you know that Chloe and Jen at Astral Fitness love to support charities all year round? Charity Link is a local endeavour that unites many charities together to provide support to those in need. Here is what they have to say about their work- We have been helping to change the lives…


How is it April already?? It feels like this year is whizzing by already. Especially when there is something so exciting to be looking forward to this summer, and that is HINCKLEY PRIDE! Chloe and Jen are very proud as a business to be one of the sponsors for this brand-new event coming to Hinckley on Saturday July 15th. What…
Choose Just One Thing To Focus On

Choose Just One Thing To Focus On

Choose Just One Thing to focus on when changing your health and fitness lifestyle, before adding too much to the mix. Eating healthily is probably the hardest of all the things we’ve looked at over the last month, simply because we live in a junk food culture these days. It has never been easier to think about eating a snack…
Being Faster At Your Chosen Sport

Being Faster At Your Chosen Sport

Being faster is a goal often sought after by runners, cyclists, and swimmers, those three activities being the golden trifecta of the triathlete. If being faster at your chosen sport is your Choose Just One Thing to improve health and fitness wise, then there are plenty of things you can do to improve your speed. Improve Your Speed The number…
Getting Stronger

Getting Stronger

Getting stronger is becoming a much more common goal for peoples health and fitness journeys, and both Jen and I hear this much more frequently from the women we treat, which is wonderful! It was a very different landscape back in the 1990’s when Chloe joined her first gym. Women were stared at if they dare enter the free weights…
Focus On One Thing

Focus On One Thing

Weight gain or weight loss are probably the hardest aspects of changing your health and fitness lifestyle, because it is a visible change to others and ourselves when we look in the mirror it can be disheartening when we do not see what we want to see. Focus On One Thing If this is the One Thing you have chosen…
Choose Just One Thing

Choose Just One Thing

Getting cardiovascular fit, or losing weight, or gaining muscle, or getting healthy, or being more powerful, faster, stronger can be a daunting task to tackle all in one go. So, we are here to tell you to Choose Just One Thing. That’s it. There is a lot of information out there about getting healthier, whatever that may look like for…
Fitness Goals

Fitness Goals

If you’re struggling with setting yourself some SMART goals, or you can’t seem to get past your first or second small goals, then maybe it is time to get a little help with them. If you have an injury or something hurts and that is preventing you from reaching your goals, then please do get yourself booked in with myself…
Your Fitness Goals

Your Fitness Goals

You’ve learnt what SMART goals are from last weeks blog, and you have settled on one or more small goals to help you reach the bigger goal. Now what? One aspect that is absolutely vital to consider and make time for alongside your physical goals, is your mental health and any goals that you need to have in place to…
Reach Your Fitness Goals

Reach Your Fitness Goals

You’ve decided that this year is going to be THE year to be fitter, better, stronger, but here we all are in the second week of the second month and you haven’t made any changes to your usual routine yet right? Maybe it is because you do not know how to set realistic goals for yourself, or, you have a…
How to Reach Your Fitness Goals

How to Reach Your Fitness Goals

Reaching your goals can seem daunting, especially when we’re still fresh into a new year and many people around you seem to find it easy to stick to a regime. And, it takes time, seemingly so much time, to make any tangible difference to your fitness that sometimes it’s easier to coast through your exercise regime or just not bother…
You are the Best Investment

You are the Best Investment

You might find that the men in your life are the least likely to make time for investing in themselves, even if they are the ones taking the time to invest financially! More often than not, Jen and I treat men in our dedicated treatment room who say to us, ‘I’m an all or nothing type of person’. We honestly…
You are the Best Investment You Will Make

You are the Best Investment You Will Make

Have you ever heard the saying, ‘you can’t pour from an empty cup’? For those of you who haven’t, it basically means that if you, the cup, is empty, you are not able to ‘pour’ love on to those in your life and help them. Whether you are a spouse or a parent, or both, or have other responsibilities to…
You are the Best Investment

You are the Best Investment You Will Make This Year

Firstly, happy new year! Jen and I both hope that you had a wonderful Christmas time with your loved ones and are starting the New Year feeling refreshed. We are going to start this year’s blogs talking about investments, and how you are the best investment you will make this year. If you haven’t already got investments of the financial…
Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Jen and I hope that you have had a wonderful year so far and that the impending New Year will look after you. Why not think about introducing a self-care regimen for the whole of the year now, so that when your fresh January determination begins to wane, your appointments won’t? Sports Massage can be an important…
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I hope that you have a wonderful festive season and it is all that you hope for, including spending time with your family and eating lots of lovely food. And if you do indulge, do not let it stress you about any gained inches or if you rest more over this time. It is perfectly normal to need…
Stay Active In The Winter

Stay Active In The Winter

How do you stay active in the winter, especially when the temperatures start to drop? What about avoiding pain and injury when your body is that little bit more tense because it is trying to protect itself against the colder weather? There is no one answer for everyone. However a good place to start is by being properly prepared for…
Astral Fitness Massage Membership

Astral Fitness Massage Membership

Fed up with your spouse moaning about aches and pains? Not sure what to buy them for Christmas? Many partners are hard to buy for, especially when they buy the things they really want for themselves. I know that is certainly true in mine and my husband’s case! Now you might think that a Sports Massage company wouldn’t have many…
VIP Massage Membership Reopens!

VIP Massage Membership Reopens!

This is the only massage membership in Hinckley that we know of, and we are reopening the doors to it once more for its third successful year. We have not had a kneejerk reaction to the cost-of-living crisis and the increase of heating costs, because I did not want to add more stress to your household finances. However, my prices…
Therapy Expo

Therapy Expo

We are at the Therapy Expo today and tomorrow! Check out our stories on Facebook or Instagram pto see the pictures and videos of the days we are there and what we get up to. While we are out and about learning and hopefully making ourselves better therapists for you, take a moment to read over some of our fabulous…
Thank You For Supporting Jen

Thank You For Supporting Jen

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for supporting Jen since she started with me at Astral Fitness at the beginning of July this year. Jen has settled in really well to her new role, gaining some brilliant reviews along the way and helping people resolve issues that they thought they would probably have to put up…
Benefits Of Vitamin D

Benefits Of Vitamin D

Did you know that you need 5 to 15 minutes of sunlight a day in the summertime to enjoy the boosting benefits of vitamin D? The sun needs to penetrate your skin, and the amount of skin needed is just that of your face, hands, and arms. Which can be a little tricky during the winter when we are cossetted…
Seasonal Affective Disorder

Seasonal Affective Disorder

Do you find it much harder to get up and out of the house now the days start darker, and the temperature is colder? You’re not alone It could just be the natural change of the seasons have got to you and you have not yet adapted to colder weather, or there could be something a little more going on…
The Conqueror Challenges

The Conqueror Challenges

I thought I would revisit some walking challenges with you if you’re the sort of person that needs a bit of a goal to get you moving, and those challenges are The Conqueror Challenges. You may remember me talking about them before, as I turned to giving myself a goal during the lockdowns. I completed several of their medals and…
Walking Will Never Let You Down

Walking Will Never Let You Down

Autumn is well and truly upon us, and it can be exceedingly tempting to give up on most activities and going out when the air is cooler and probably wetter too, so what can you do to maintain your level of fitness and make sure you ward off colds and illness during the winter months? WALKING of course! Walking will…
Which body work professionals to visit

Which body work professionals to visit?

You’ve read last weeks blog and know who you want to see for your particular issue out of Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Podiatrists, Sports Massage Therapists, and Personal Trainers, now you need to choose which one to actually go and visit, but how do you go about that if you don’t know of any? Which body work professionals to visit? First,…
What is the Role of other body work professionals?

What is the Role of other body work professionals?

Sports massage is not the only body working profession out there, and when I say body working, I do not mean repairing car dents, but rather the repair of the human body holistically and non-invasively. What is the Role of other body work professionals? There seems to be a lot of choice, but it boils down to the big ones…
Weightlifting - It’s Never Too Late to Start

Weightlifting – It’s Never Too Late to Start

After becoming proficient in walking about a lot more, you might feel that you could do with more of a challenge to keep your fitness progressing. For that we thoroughly recommend weightlifting. Yep, you read that right! I do not think you are too old, weightlifting in one of its many forms will do you the world of good. You…
It’s Never Too Late to Start

It’s Never Too Late to Start

Think you’re too old to start exercising and looking after your body? Wrong. It is never too late to start taking better care of yourself, and it could mean the difference between having an independent and good quality of life in your retirement years and beyond. But where do you start if you have never really taken care of yourself?…
Reviews For Astral Fitness

Happy Birthday Astral Fitness!

It’s our birthday – 4 years ago this week, Chloe qualified for her sports massage qualification! Thank you so much, to you, for your support of my little business, allowing it to grow to help me help people out of pain, and allow me to take on Jen Llewellyn, my new associate who joined me this year in providing even…
Altra Shoes - Start with Your Feet

Altra Shoes – Start with Your Feet

You walk around barefoot enough to know that your feet can handle being completely flat to the ground, you don’t experience calf pain or fatigue by existing this way at home. The next step is to investigate shoes that allow you to continue this way of walking while outside the house. Altra Shoes Chloe highly recommends Altra Shoes as they…
Barefoot shoes

Barefoot shoes

Maybe you don’t have the need to visit Astral Fitness or Medipod Clinics right now. But you know that you would like stronger feet. Or you are frustrated that your feet are never quite as comfortable as you would like them to be. Barefoot shoes are a big deal around the world right now. It might be tempting to just…
Start with Your Feet - Medipod Clinics

Start with Your Feet – Medipod Clinics

Faye Vogiatzoglou from Medipod Clinics is back this week to tell you her client story- This is what Faye has to say – “Mrs T. is 62 years old, no medication, no injuries, or surgeries, has 2 young grandchildren, and enjoys walking her dog daily. She had over-the-counter insoles for many years, but she wanted something more supportive. The biomechanical…
Astral Fitness and Medipod Clinics

Astral Fitness and Medipod Clinics

You’ve identified that something is going on with your feet, but what next? Maybe it is not as simple as needing a massage, maybe you need to see a different foot specialist? That’s where someone like Faye Vogiatzoglou at Medipod Clinics comes in. This is what Faye has to say – “When your feet hurt, you hurt all over. It’s…
Are your feet causing you to hurt?

Are your feet causing you to hurt?

How do you identify if it is your feet causing you to hurt? Not only in your feet, your calves, and thighs, but elsewhere in the body? Rest is the first thing to try. Do you hurt less if you are well rested with a full night’s sleep behind you? Then maybe that is all you need to do. Check…
Start with Your Feet

Start with Your Feet

Often problems with one part of your body, could have started with your feet. Sounds crazy, right? But you wouldn’t build a house without laying a foundation, you wouldn’t plant a tree without preparing the soil, and so, you shouldn’t ignore your feet when training, or figuring out what is wrong with your knees, your hips, your lower back, your…
Reviews For Astral Fitness

Reviews For Astral Fitness

Reviews! Who doesn’t love a great review, and it can help reassure you that you are making the right decision before committing to an appointment with me or Jen. I have chosen a few reviews here, and if you would like to see more, then head to my google listing or my Facebook page. Reviews For Astral Fitness As you…
During Your Visit to Astral Fitness

During Your Visit to Astral Fitness

During your first visit to Astral Fitness, you will be asked to take a seat to have an honest conversation about why you have booked in. We like to hear it in your words about what is bothering you. Then delve a bit deeper into your lifestyle. This helps us ascertain why you started hurting in the first place, if…
What to Expect During Your Visit to Astral Fitness

What to Expect During Your Visit to Astral Fitness

A big welcome to my new followers and blog subscribers, some of you may never have had a massage before and want to know what it is all about before committing to an appointment. So, what exactly is a Sports Massage like? Many assume that it’s going to hurt, and that’s down to a few unscrupulous therapists publishing videos of…
Movement Is For Every Family

Movement Is For Every Family

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Movement is for every family, and with Jen Llewellyn starting at Astral Fitness NEXT WEEK I thought that I would talk about how we handle movement within our families. We are both married and have two teenaged sons each. So we understand the challenges of what teenagers are interested in doing with us,…
Movement Is For All The Family

Movement Is For All The Family

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Movement Is For All The Family, as I have handily mentioned in the title. If you feel like you lack time to be active, or to exercise, or to move particularly with intention and variety, mostly because of work and familial commitments, then perhaps you need to get the whole family involved with…
Visit Astral Fitness

Visit Astral Fitness

We are still talking to you about what your first appointment might look like. I left off last week talking about the assessments we do with you. Postural assessments and biomechanical checks are very important to us when we first meet you. We can see if a muscle is tight or overactive in one area of your body. Or if…
Movement is a Family Affair For All

Movement is a Family Affair For All

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Movement is a family affair for all, as I have handily mentioned in the title. Do you feel like you lack time to be active, or to exercise, or to move particularly with intention and variety. Mostly because of work and familial commitments, then perhaps you need to get the whole family involved…
Its True Movement is a Family Affair

Its True Movement is a Family Affair

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Its true movement is indeed a family affair, as I have handily mentioned in the title. Do you feel like you lack time to be active, or to exercise, or to move particularly with intention and variety. Mostly because of work and familial commitments, then perhaps you need to get the whole family…
Movement is a Family Affair

Movement is a Family Affair

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. Movement is indeed a family affair, as I have handily mentioned in the title. If you feel like you lack time to be active, or to exercise, or to move particularly with intention and variety, mostly because of work and familial commitments, then perhaps you need to get the whole family involved with…
Modifications To Your Lifestyle

Modifications To Your Lifestyle

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, still about modifications but this time it is not just about modifications to your workouts that I will talk about – it is modifications to your lifestyle. The biggest barrier to getting stronger, fitter, healthier, and suffering less injuries, and recovering from workouts faster, is SLEEP. You can modify up and down all…
Modifications To Your Workouts

Modifications To Your Workouts

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about modifications to your workouts. What about if you already can run quite far, and can lift heavy weights, what then? Well then you are already quite fit, but I can almost guarantee you that you will struggle with at least one thing. Maybe hill running, or lunges, or your shoulders aren’t…
Take Advantage of Modifications

Take Advantage of Modifications

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, a bit more about modifications and how to take advantage of them. For at least a couple of decades I have used, and still use, workout DVDs. Now it’s more like workout apps on my phone or iPad these days, but the concept is the same. If you’re in the same boat and…
Why Modifications are Your Best Friend!

Why Modifications are Your Best Friend!

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, and a brand-new topic for May to discuss. Modifications- what are they and why should they be your best friend? When it comes to health and fitness, sports and exercise, a lot of people see only the best of what is out there – the people at the top of their game who…
Posture Isn’t Bad, Or Good, It Is Adapted

Posture Isn’t Bad, Or Good, It Is Adapted

For the last in my April’s blogs, I want to remind you that your posture isn’t bad, or good, it is adapted. If you’re experiencing pain and believe it is because of your posture, it might be because your adaptations aren’t coping, come and see me to help you understand why and how to help you adapt it differently to…
Do You Think Your Posture is Bad?

Do You Think Your Posture is Bad?

Last week I mentioned that your body evolved to be in less or no pain during repetitive activities, but sometimes that doesn’t work. Read on You might be in pain from your repetitive activities, even if your body has evolved its posture to adapt to what you are teaching it, training it even, to do, but why is that, even…
Check Your Posture

Check Your Posture

Hello and welcome back to my weekly blog, and I will pick straight back up from last weeks, about why I would check your posture when I have already told you that there is no such thing as ideal posture. There have been a lot of studies, and numerous books, dedicated to the art of assessing your posture, I have…
All About Your Posture

All About Your Posture

Hello and welcome to April’s blogs, all about your posture and what you think about it, and at the end of the month will be an update about my new associate, Jen Llewellyn. So, do you think your posture is bad? Or do you think it needs some work? It might surprise you to learn that ideal posture was first…
Jen Llewellyn - Exciting Times at Astral Fitness

Jen Llewellyn – Exciting Times at Astral Fitness

Hello and welcome to this month’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. I have an associate joining me at Astral Fitness, Jen Llewellyn, helping me to deliver more sessions of pain relief to more of you, and providing greater flexibility to your appointments should I not have the availability you need. In…
Fantastic Piece Of Artwork

Fantastic Piece Of Artwork – Exciting Times at Astral Fitness

Hello and welcome to this month’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. During January I made some changes to my treatment room, based within on Leicester Road in Hinckley. Painting walls, furniture removed, furniture installed. As well as, new pictures, and this fantastic piece of artwork inspired by the knots you…
Pilates Course - Exciting Times at Astral Fitness

Pilates Course – Exciting Times at Astral Fitness

Hello and welcome to this month’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at astral Fitness this year. A little while ago during that little hiccough we all know as the pandemic, there were a couple of lockdowns – remember those? During those times, I mulled over where I would like to be with my business, and what…
Transforming My Treatment Room

Transforming My Treatment Room

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. I have been a busy bee over the last few weeks, transforming my treatment room to be more functional for what I have intended over the coming months, as well as making it more welcoming for your treatments with me.…
Exciting Times at Astral Fitness

Exciting Times at Astral Fitness

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about the exciting changes that are happening here at Astral Fitness this year. Some of you may be aware, as I have been very excited about it, that Astral Fitness is expanding. I have a brand-new associate, Jen Llewellyn, starting with me this year, and as she is embarking on her course this…
Reducing Exercise Related Pain | February Part Four

Reducing Exercise Related Pain | February Part Four

Hello and welcome to my last blog for February. And there is some exciting news to report keep reading to the end to find out what it is! Reducing Exercise Related Pain I hope that you have enjoyed the last few blogs about reducing pain from your exercise regimes. I thought I would offer some tips into a quick to…
Why Massage is Great for Pain? | February Part Three

Why Massage is Great for Pain? | February Part Three

Hello and welcome to my blog for February. So are you hurting from your new fitness regime? What have you done about it so far? What are you going to do about it? Why Massage is Great for Pain? Whether you are experiencing DOMS, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness, or whether you are hurting because you are not giving your body…
Giving Up - Don't | February Part Two

Giving Up – Don’t | February Part Two

Hello and welcome to my brand-new blog topic for February! How are the new workouts going? How is your current plan faring? Are they still serving you well, or is the boredom starting to set in? Are you just hurting each week with no end in sight? Giving Up It is around this point every year, that people start to…
Hurting from a New Fitness Regime?  | February Part One

Hurting from a New Fitness Regime? | February Part One

Are You Hurting from a New Fitness Regime? Hello and welcome to my brand-new blog topic for February! I hope that you have had a productive few weeks in to the new year, quite often this does mean introducing a new fitness regime, or attempting to be more committed to a previous programme, or trying something new. DOMS You’re probably…
Best version of you | New Year | January Part Two

Feel better within yourself | New Year | January Part Four

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the fourth one in the New Year Old You because why do we need a New You at all? I thought it would be nice to round off the January blogs with FIVE TIPS to improve your Old You to feel better within yourself. Because isn’t it nice to feel better and more…
New Year - January Part One

Want to feel different? | New Year | January Part Three

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the third one in the New Year where I am definitely not talking about a New You like everyone else around you. You – today, last year, next year – is perfect the way it is. But What if you do want to feel different? Feel better? Feel more flexible? More mobile? I…
Best version of you | New Year | January Part Two

Best version of you | New Year | January Part Two

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the second one in the New Year New You? No Way! If you read last weeks blog, you’ll see that I am not really an advocate of the New Year New You marketing campaigns that go around. There is nothing wrong with who you are right now. You will never escape you. So…
New Year - January Part One

New Year – January Part One

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the first one in the New Year HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope that you have had a lovely Christmas and festive season and are ready and raring to go for the new year. Which usually entails the ‘New You’ moniker to be rolled out on everything from gyms and health centres to clothing…
Cold can motivative – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Four

Mindset – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Five

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the last part for December. All about getting out and about and healthy in the outdoors and starting on your New Year New You before 2022. There are a great many benefits to getting fitter and stronger. Getting started in the cold will ensure you never avoid exercising in the cold in the…
Cold can motivative – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Four

Cold can motivative – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Four

Hello and welcome to Part Four of your December blog, talking all about getting out of doors for your health and getting a jump start on a healthy new you ready for the new year – go on, be ahead of the curve for a change! Did you know that your heart needs to work harder when it is cold?…
Cold can motivative – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Four

Temperature – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Three

Hello and welcome to Part Three of this month’s blog, all about getting out and about in the cold and getting a jump start on the new year and the resolutions for fitness it often brings with it. Getting fitter in the cold can bring challenges with it, but also can be a lot more rewarding. Knowing you have managed…
Cold can motivative – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Four

Christmas Walks – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Two

Hello and welcome to Part Two of this months blog, all about getting outdoors and a little bit about Christmas. I don’t know about you, but on the weekends I love to snuggle up on my sofa at home and watch cheesy Christmas movies with a beautifully velvetised* hot chocolate topped with a stroopwafel, but, I can’t do that all…
Cold can motivative – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog Part Four

Christmas – Get Healthy, Get Outside! | December Blog

Hello and welcome to a brand-new month and a brand-new blog topic! This month I will be talking a little bit about Christmas. Yes yes, it has come to that time of year again! But I will also be talking about why you shouldn’t wait to begin your new years resolutions to get fitter, or stronger, or more active. Why…
Busy Life? Benefits of Massage & Movement

VIP Massage & Movement Membership

Hello and welcome to November’s blog, and this month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement, if you haven’t already introduced or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start! Last week I talked at the end of my blog about how life often gets in…
Benefits of Regular Massage

Movement is Medicine – Benefits of Massage & Movement

Hello and welcome to November’s blog – Movement is Medicine – Benefits of Massage & Movement. This month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement. If you haven’t already introduced or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start! Life Responsibilities How often do you have…
Benefits of Regular Massage

Benefits of Regular Massage

Hello and welcome to November’s blog. This month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement. If you haven’t already introduced or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start! Last week I listed some of the benefits to be had with massage. Did you know that…
Benefits of Regular Massage

Benefits of Massage & Movement

Hello and welcome to November’s blog. This month I am talking to you about the benefits of massage and movement. If you haven’t already introduced movement to your life, or increased your daily movement, why wait until the new year? Today is the best day to start! It is nearly impossible for everyone at every time to take regular and…
Movement Variation

Have You Introduced Any Movement Variations?

Hello and welcome to the fourth October blog, Have You Introduced Any Movement Variations? Variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the rest of your life. Have you tried to introduce any movement variations into your week since my last blog? Don’t worry if you haven’t, it can…
Movement Variation

Variety In Your Movements

Hello and welcome to the third October blog, Variety In Your Movements. Variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the rest of your life. Last week I left you thinking about how to introduce daily movement to look after your joints and your body in general, to help…
Movement Variation

Variation of Movement

Hello and welcome to the second October blog, All about Variation of Movement. Variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the rest of your life. Last week I left you pondering about the amount of different types of movement you usually do during your working week, and how…
Movement Variation

Movement Variation

Hello and welcome to Octobers blog – Movement Variation. A brand new subject to discuss with you. So what is Movement Variation, and why am I discussing it? It is exactly as it sounds, actually. I am discussing it because variety in your movements is absolutely key to having a healthy and active body for right now, and for the…
Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important

Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important – Part 5

Hello and welcome to Part Five of this months blog. Winter is just around the corner and September is the perfect month to get active again after the summer holidays, and to ensure that winter can be as active and as fun as possible. When starting a new fitness regime, it is important to start slowly and increase your activity…
Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important

Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important – Part 4

Hello and welcome to this months blog topic – Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important. Winter is coming, and getting prepped for it can take a little while if your fitness has been a little off point over the spring and summer months. Last week I talked to you about swapping one of your driving commutes for…
Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important

Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important – Part 3

Hello and welcome to Part Three of this months blog topic – Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important. Winter is coming, and getting prepped for it can take a little while if your fitness has been a little off point over the spring and summer months. Now is definitely time to start. Last week I suggested you…
Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important

Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important – Part 2

Hello and welcome to Part Two of this months blog topic Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important. Yes I admit it may be a little early to be talking about winter. But, as a very popular TV showed often reminded us, Winter is coming! Getting prepped for it can take a little while if your fitness has…
Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important

Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important

Hello and welcome to this months brand new blog topic – Getting Prepped for Winter and Why it is Important. Yes I admit it may be a little early to be talking about winter. But, as a very popular TV showed often reminded us, Winter is coming! Getting prepped for it can take a little while if your fitness has…
The Beginners Guide to Caring for Common Injuries

Tendonitis, or Tendinosis? The Beginners Guide to Common Injuries

Hello and welcome to Augusts fourth blog – Tendonitis, or Tendinosis? The Beginners Guide to Common Injuries. I hope that you are all having a great summer full of fun and activity. What if you’ve got a bit of an injury going on though? Is it a simple injury or something else? Read on Firstly, When to Get Help Sometimes…
The Beginners Guide to Caring for Common Injuries

Fracture Aftercare – The Beginners Guide to Common Injuries

Hello and welcome to Augusts third blog – Fracture Aftercare – The Beginners Guide to Common Injuries. I hope that you are all having a great summer full of fun and activity. What if you’ve got a bit of an injury going on though? Is it a simple injury or something else? Read on Firstly, When to Get Help Sometimes…
The Beginners Guide to Caring for Common Injuries

Caring for your Strain – The Beginners Guide to Common Injuries

Hello and welcome to Augusts second blog, I hope that you are all having a great summer full of fun and activity. What if you’ve got a bit of an injury going on though? Is it a simple injury or something else? Read on Firstly, When to Get Help Sometimes you know when you have done something like twisting your…
The Beginners Guide to Caring for Common Injuries

The Beginners Guide to Caring for Common Injuries

Hello and welcome to Augusts first blog – The Beginners Guide to Caring for Common Injuries. I hope that you are all having a great summer full of fun and activity. What if you’ve got a bit of an injury going on though? Is it a simple injury or something else? Read on Firstly, When to Get Help – Caring…
You Are Not Fragile

So What’s Your Excuse?

Hello and welcome to the final instalment in my series of blogs – So What’s Your Excuse? About how you are not fragile, and you should just get out there and move your body. Today I am going to talk about people with different physical abilities, and how they are rocking it in the sports world and don’t let their…
You Are Not Fragile

Your Body Is Not Fragile

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about how your body is not fragile and why you should get out there and get it moving. This week I am going to talk to you about Fascia. What it is and just how strong it is. Fascia Fascia is a more recently discovered element of the human body, yet it…
You Are Not Fragile


Hello and welcome to this week’s blog in July, all about how YOU ARE NOT FRAGILE Yeah, I shouted at you, and I am not apologising at all for it. Too many people walk into my treatment room with the words ‘I have a weak.’ with no clinical reasoning for it, no formal diagnosis, no MRI scan to back up…
You Are Not Fragile

A Few Strong Facts

Welcome to this weeks blog – A Few Strong Facts. The human body is amazing, and surprisingly very strong. But you and I both know people who avoid certain movements or activities for fear of hurting themselves and they are probably hurting themselves more in the long run. I know someone who is afraid of twisting movements, because one time…
How to Have an Injury Free Summer

Pain – Have an Injury Free Summer

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog- Pain – Have an Injury Free Summer. The fifth part in my series about staying injury free over the summer months. Most injuries occur when people rush to do too much too soon, after doing too little for too long. Then other types of injuries occur when you ignore your body whispering an…
How to Have an Injury Free Summer

Most Injuries Occur When People Rush …

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Most Injuries Occur When People Rush … The fourth part in my series about staying injury free over the summer months. Most injuries occur when people rush to do too much too soon, after doing too little for too long. Then other types of injuries occur when you ignore your body whispering…
How to Have an Injury Free Summer

Have an Injury Free Summer

Hello and welcome to this weeks blog, the third instalment in June – Have an Injury Free Summer. It’s about how to have an injury free summertime so you can make the most out of the word being open again. Most injuries occur when people rush to do too much too soon, after doing too little for too long. Last…
How to Have an Injury Free Summer

Staying Injury Free Over The Summer

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about staying injury free over the summer. When we are all more naturally active and out and about enjoying the lovely weather. Last week I mentioned that injuries most frequently occur when- You rush to do too much too soon, after doing too little for too long. So exactly how do you…
How to Have an Injury Free Summer

How to Have an Injury Free Summer

Hello and welcome to a brand-new month and a brand-new blog topic – How to Have an Injury Free Summer! June is a special month this year, because my first-born son turns 18 years old. So I will be doing lots of celebrating with him! Lots of eating out, eating cake, and hopefully visiting family and places out and about!…
Top Ten Benefits Of Massage

Young Athletes

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, Young Athletes. All about how Massage is Awesome! Last week I talked about how you could use a massage to check in with me about mild symptoms of the aging process. To avoid actually feeling old as well as growing old. This week I am going to tell you about how massage can…
Top Ten Benefits Of Massage

Massage is Awesome but not a Miracle … or is it?

Hello and welcome to my second blog in May, Massage is Awesome but not a Miracle or is it? Now that I am firmly back offering sports massage it is a great time to get back on track with your regular treatments. Or indeed start a new treatment programme if you are completely new to the idea of sports…
Top Ten Benefits Of Massage

Top Ten Benefits Of Massage

Hello and welcome to my first blog in May, all about how awesome massage is – Top Ten Benefits Of Massage. And yes, I may be a tiny little bit biased. If you’ve never experienced a massage, or a sports massage such as the ones I deliver, then over the month of May I will give you some handy information…
Shake Off Lockdown

Shake Off Lockdown! – Part Four

Hello and welcome to my last blog in April – Shake Off Lockdown! – Part Four, all about shaking off lockdown. What have you done to ease yourself back into a less restricted world? I decided to ease into my sports massage appointments so that I did not exhaust myself too much and be too tired too quickly. If you’ve…
Shake Off Lockdown

Shake Off Lockdown! – Part Three

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Shake Off Lockdown! – Part Three. How are you all faring back in a less restricted world? I started last weeks blog with what I got up to in the lockdowns, and here is the rest LOCKDOWN 2.0The less said about Lockdown 2.0 in November of last year, the better! LOCKDOWN 3.0…
Shake Off Lockdown

Shake Off Lockdown! – Part Two

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Shake Off Lockdown! – Part Two. I am so excited! My business is re-open! WOOHOOOOOOO! But before we really get started into our new normal, I thought I would take a look back over the last rollercoaster of a year and tell you a bit about what I got up to, as…
Shake Off Lockdown

Shake Off Lockdown! – Part One

Hello and welcome to April’s brand-new blog theme, all about shaking off the lockdown. Shaking off the last year, the pandemic stress, the boredom. Shaking off EVERYTHING that has happened this last year, physically and mentally. We are forging ever closer to the end of lockdown. Hopefully forever, and you should decide what you would like your post-pandemic life to…
Are You Paying into Your Physical Pension

Physical Pension – Part 5

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Physical Pension – Part 5. The last in March and the last in my Physical Pension Series. If I had received £1 for every person who told me that they HATED exercise, I would probably be swimming in my own back garden pool right now! Usually these people don’t realise that they…
Are You Paying into Your Physical Pension

Physical Pension – Part 4

Hello and welcome to my blog this week – Physical Pension – Part 4. I am talking about how you can contribute to your Physical Pension even if you are already active because of your job. So, you’re a groundworker, multi-drop driver, shelf stacker, gardener, postie, dog walker, builder, police officer, or some other physically challenging job. You don’t need…
Are You Paying into Your Physical Pension

Physical Pension – Part 3

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Physical Pension – Part 3. I am still talking about your Physical Pension and why you need one. Last week I mentioned that it is something that you need to ‘pay’ into on a regular basis, but what if you’re only a few years away from retirement, what do you do then?…
Are You Paying into Your Physical Pension

Physical Pension – Part 2

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about your Physical Pension. A similar topic that I have discussed lots recently, but one that is so very important. You pay into a financial pension, but what happens when you get to retirement and you are physically incapable of enjoying that money? That’s where a Physical Pension comes in handy – what…
Are You Paying into Your Physical Pension

Are You Paying into Your Physical Pension?

Hello and welcome to my first blog in March – Are You Paying into Your Physical Pension? Hopefully this is the last full month of national lockdown. Yep, that’s right, we can all start getting back to normal next month, woohoo! And that means, massages could well be back on the menu too, so that’s an even bigger WOOHOOOOOOO! But…
Use it or Lose it - Part 1

Use it or Lose it – Part 4

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Use it or Lose it – Part 4. Continuing on from last week, discussing mobility and why you need to USE IT OR LOSE IT. Have you ever woken up and your first movements of the day are jerky and creaky? Do you get asked to sit on your workout mat by…
Use it or Lose it - Part 1

Use it or Lose it – Part 3

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Use it or Lose it – Part 3. Continuing on from last week, discussing mobility and why you need to USE IT OR LOSE IT. How to Improve Mobility and Why Here is the question that I get asked a lot. And the answer to improving mobility is to get stronger, to…
Use it or Lose it - Part 1

Use it or Lose it – Part 2

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Use it or Lose it – Part 2. Continuing on from last week, discussing mobility and why you need to USE IT OR LOSE IT. Along with grey hairs and more wrinkles, less mobility seems to be that cornerstone marker of old age, ageing, and retirees. The dictionary classes mobility as: mobility…
Use it or Lose it - Part 1

Use it or Lose it – Part 1

Hello and welcome to this weeks blog – Use it or Lose it – Part 1. My first blog in February, the 30th month of the year well it certainly feels like it, doesn’t it? I know that the period from Christmas to now dragged a bit, even though I did celebrate my 40th birthday mid-January, it was a hard…
JUMP into January! – Part One

JUMP into January! – Part Four

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – JUMP into January! – Part Four. It is now the LAST week of January and if you haven’t made a start on your health and fitness new year’s resolutions, or goals, then now is truly a great time to start. Jump into January and let that jump you into the rest of…
JUMP into January! – Part One

JUMP into January! – Part Three

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – JUMP into January! – Part Three. It is now the third week of January and if you haven’t made a start on your health and fitness new year’s resolutions, or goals, then now is a great time to start. Jump into January and let that jump you into the rest of the…
JUMP into January! – Part One

JUMP into January! – Part Two

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog -JUMP into January! – Part Two. It is now the second week of January and if you haven’t made a start on your health and fitness new year’s resolutions, or goals, then now is the time to start. Jump into January and let that jump you into the rest of the year. But…
JUMP into January! – Part One

JUMP into January! – Part One

Hello and welcome to my first blog in 2021- JUMP into January! – Part One Happy New Year to you, and let’s face it, it has got to be better than last year. I thought I would start with a positive theme for Januarys’ blogs. Jump into January is going to talk about what you can do to start your…
Just Keep Moving – Part Four

Just Keep Moving – Part Five

Hello and (almost) Happy New Year! This weeks blog – Just Keep Moving – Part Five. How has your year been? Have you moved enough? Yep, it’s the last part in my Just Keep Moving blog for December. It’s right around this time that people, myself included, take stock on the year that has gone and decide on some goals…
Just Keep Moving – Part Four

Just Keep Moving – Part Four

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, Just Keep Moving – Part Four. But firstly, MERRY CHRISTMAS and Yuletide Greetings from my home to yours, from my family to yours. I hope that you have a wonderful break from work, and you eat, drink, and make merry to your hearts content. Remember to keep moving, despite the extra goodies you…
Just Keep Moving – Part Four

Just Keep Moving – Part Three

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, Just Keep Moving – Part Three in December and Christmas is just around the corner! Some good first steps to take, is walking, which I mentioned in my last blog. If walking isn’t really something you enjoy, then think about what does feel good for you. You know, the activity that you look…
Just Keep Moving – Part Four

Just Keep Moving – Part Two

Hello and welcome to my blog – Just Keep Moving – Part Two. This week is part two for December, titled Just Keep Moving. Last week I talked about sitting being a modern disease, and while it just not traditionally meet the criteria for a disease, it can become so normal for a person to sit down for a majority…
Just Keep Moving – Part Four

Just Keep Moving – Part One

Hello and welcome to my blog for December – Just Keep Moving – Part One. It’s a fresh month, so a fresh topic to discuss, and hopefully inspire you to take care of yourself over the winter months. And, we are finally out of lockdown, woohoo! Online booking is open, and I am back working, helping you to unwind tense…
Benefits of Regular Massage

Benefits of Regular Massage – Part Four

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, the last part of four written for November during our second UK lockdown – Benefits of Regular Massage – Part Four. Last week I talked at the end of my blog about how life often gets in the way of taking time to look after yourself, and that I have some exciting news…
Benefits of Regular Massage

Benefits of Regular Massage – Part Three

Hello and welcome to part three of your blogs this month, during the second lockdown the UK is experiencing. Last week I told you that I would talk to you some more about why regular massage is beneficial to your mental health. Life Responsibilities How often do you have responsibilities to other people? How often are you in your employee…
Benefits of Regular Massage

Benefits of Regular Massage – Part Two

Hello and welcome to part two of my blog about the benefits of regular massage. We are also in the second week of the second national lockdown. How is it going for you? Drop me a message If you need any advice with any muscular pain or niggles you are experiencing. Last week I listed some of the benefits to…
Benefits of Regular Massage

Benefits of Regular Massage – Part One

Hello and welcome to my first blog in a once again locked down country. I was planning on writing about the benefits of regular massage, and now we are all in a position where regular massage just can’t happen for most of November and part of December, and possibly beyond. I will still write about my original thoughts on regular…
Injury Rehab

Injury Rehab – Part Three

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about injury rehab, and this is part three. Do take a moment to go back and read the first two instalments. This week I am looking at Prehab. Prehab Prehab is a buzzword that has come to the fore more recently, and in fact is a valuable way to look at rehab…
Injury Rehab

Injury Rehab – Part Two

Hello and welcome to my blog. This is Part Two of my Injury Rehab blog, and last week I left you with: How do I Decide What to Do? Here’s the tricky part! What exactly do you do when injured and in discomfort, or in pain, and do not know where to start? Seeking help from a professional will usually…
Injury Rehab

Injury Rehab – Part One

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, about Injury Rehab. So, what exactly is Injury Rehab? It is a slow step-by-step process with the aim of helping you recover from an injury, an accident, or an operation. It is about identifying your weaknesses and strengths and designing a programme of rehabilitation around those to rebuild you to a point of…
How to be Pain Free

How to be Pain Free – Part Two

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, part two of How to be Pain Free. Last week I mentioned that pain can be the result of something else other than physical reasons Biopsychosocial Pain This type of pain is complicated, and while I may be able to recognise it in you, I cannot diagnose it. It is simply pain from…
How to be Pain Free

How to be Pain Free – Part One

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, Part ONE of two blogs How to be Pain Free. That’s a big one, isn’t it? If I could wave a magic wand and instantly take your pain away, I’d have queues across the town. So, I don’t have a magic wand, and I can not take your pain away instantly. However, what…


This week I am going to talk about Self-Care, and how it is important, and it is not just about booking yourself a massage although that helps, and of course I’d love to see you! This month marks the one-year anniversary of when I broke my arm. One minute I am collecting a fluffy bunny from her run in the…

Mobility… What is it and Why is it Important?

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog about mobility. It is something I have been focusing my own exercise efforts on recently, after a strange year that has involved me sitting and not doing a lot physically, after recovering from a bone break, to then just a few scant months later, to be flung into a worldwide lockdown which restricted…
Return to Exercise and Stay Injury Free

Return to Exercise and Stay Injury Free

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog – Return to Exercise and Stay Injury Free. A short guide on safely returning to exercise after a break. And oh boy, what a break we have all had. A lot of people are now in the situation that they are finally able to get back to a normal routine, and that includes…
Ten Things About Me

Ten Things About Me

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, Ten Things About Me. I thought that it might be a good idea to reintroduce myself. There are lots of new people enquiring about Sports Massage, and knowing a bit about the person delivering the massage can be a good way to feel comfortable about the whole process. I am Chloe and here…
Why Stretch

Why Stretch?

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, Why Stretch? Thank you for stopping by and taking time to read it. This week I discuss stretching, its pros and cons, the thoughts about it by the fitness and sports massage communities, and whether you should be doing it or not. You have probably heard from some influential people around you, and…
Breathing - How Well Do You Breathe?

Breathing – How Well Do You Breathe?

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about breathing. What can I tell you that you don’t already know about breathing, though? We all breathe, from the moment we are born, every single day, all day, and all night long, without fail. So why would a Sports Massage Therapist such as myself even consider how you breathe when you…
Healthy Back

How to Have a Healthy Back

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about having a healthy back. First, a little anatomy, so you can understand why it is not a cut and dried issue when it comes to your back. There are 33 bones in your spine with 140 overlapping and interconnected muscles enabling it to function correctly. 173 pieces of anatomy in the…
Strong Glutes

Strong Glutes and Why They Are Important

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog. It has been about strong glutes in the last few weeks in clinic, those, and necks, and I suspect it has been because we have all spent a hell of a lot more time sitting down and looking down. Anatomy first, your glutes are made up of three large muscles: Gluteus Maximus Gluteus…
Active Rest and its Importance in Recovery

Active Rest and its Importance in Recovery

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, it is all about Active Rest and its Importance in Recovery. I touched on this subject briefly in a Facebook post a week ago and it has stayed with me enough to write about it some more. Yes, Active Rest is an oxymoron however it is one of the only true ones around,…
What I Did During Lockdown

What I Did During Lockdown

Hello and welcome to this weeks blog As I have just finished my first full week back at work in over four months, I thought I would share what I have been up to during all of that time off work. I know I will be asking you when I see you, what the lockdown was like for you. The…
What to Expect Now

What to Expect Now

This is mandatory reading before attending an appointment. If you have any questions or queries, please do get in touch by email [email protected] or by phone 07719 435136. It is best to text because I cannot answer while in a massage appointment nor after while I prepare the room for the next person. Before your Appointment – If you have…
Injury Free Hiking

Injury Free Hiking and Walking

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about Injury Free Hiking and Walking. A lot of people dismiss these activities as actually being a sport, and traditionally they are not. However, walking is vital to good health and is a fantastic place to start for many people new to exercise, for those returning to exercise or recuperating from an…

Trampolining: Staying Injury Free

Welcome to the first in my Sporting Showcase blogs – Trampolining: Staying Injury Free. I am looking at a sport in a little more detail with regards to the common injuries and issues experienced there and what to do about the most common ones experienced. Two such issues that are frequent amongst trampoline athletes, as well as cheerleaders, gymnasts, and…
Healthy Arms

Healthy Arms: Your Elbow and Wrist

Hello and thank you for taking time out of your day to read my blog – Healthy Arms: Your Elbow and Wrist. I am writing an overview of your wrist and elbow anatomy as well as some of the common conditions that can occur in them. Find out what to do if you have any discomfort in your arms, as…
Looking After Your Shoulders

Looking After Your Shoulders

Hello and thank you for visiting my blog this week – Looking After Your Shoulders. Hopefully I am another week closer to opening my clinic doors again to see you and treat you in person. This week I am going to talk a little bit about shoulders, so if there is anything you are suffering with in your shoulder, maybe…
Looking After Your Neck

Looking After Your Neck

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, Looking After Your Neck. The issues that can arise with it and how you could go about helping it yourself at home, until sports massage is available again. Your neck is home to 26 muscles, all with their own jobs, as well as supporting jobs, to keep your head well balanced, as well…
Your Feet and Ankles

Your Feet and Ankles

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog about your feet and ankles. And it is finally June, summer is upon us even if we cannot holiday abroad yet. We have just had the warmest, driest, and sunniest May for about a hundred years!  I hope you were able to soak up some sunshine and holiday vibes in your garden. If…

Knees and Their Issues

Hello and welcome to this week’s blog, all about knees. Whether you have regular issues with your knees, or you’ve never had a problem, it’s a good idea to be aware of how to take care of your knees so that you can continue to do the activities you love. This blog will give you a brief overview of some…
Hips and their Muscle Issues

Hips and their Muscle Issues

Welcome to this week’s blog, all about your hips and their muscles and the issues that can arise within them. Human hips are more stable in the quadruped position, that is, on all fours. It’s why babies crawl before walking. This is because this movement feels more secure and a lot safer than being on just two legs. Being upright…
Muscle Tension Related to Emotional Stress

Muscle Tension Related to Emotional Stress

This weeks blog – Muscle Tension Related to Emotional Stress. From the moment we are born, and a little bit before too, any stress our bodies experience could be held in any of the muscles of our body. From a small area such as your neck to the whole body holding on to that tension. Any trauma experienced, and birth…
Lower Back Discomfort

Lower Back Discomfort

I have made a few posts this week over on my Facebook page about lower backs and how to help them yourself with lower back discomfort. Whilst sports massage isn’t an option during lockdown and as such I’ve had a lot of people ask me about how to help their lower back. While it used to be known as lumbago,…
Running in the Rain

Running in the Rain

Hello! This weeks blog – Running in the Rain. Has the wet weather dampened your spirits suddenly? A lot of people I know, and don’t know, let the rain get in the way of getting out there. So, not getting their exercise done and dusted. The picture above is from yesterday. After a week of glorious sun-bathing sunshine to sudden…
Diastasis Recti

Diastasis Recti; Abdominal Separation and What to Do About it

This weeks blog is focusing on something a client of mine asked me about this past week – Diastasis Recti. I have a wealth of information to share about the muscles of the body! Just because I do not perform sports massage on the abdominal muscles doesn’t mean that I don’t know about them. Because of the implications on other…
Staying Hydrated

Staying Hydrated

You’ve heard me talk about it before! In my treatment room as well as the odd post here and there on Facebook to remind you about staying hydrated. I knew I have let my own hydration levels slip. When I went for a short two mile run after my workout last week and I STRUGGLED so much. I was racking…
Healthy Home Office

Healthy Home Office

Healthy Home Office – So what has Sports Massage got to do with your Home Office? And a healthy one at that? A lot of people already work from home, and I treat many of them in my clinic. I help them understand their posture during working and help them to resolve their aches and pains. However, during this period…
Helping Hands

Helping Hands

Sports Massage is so much more than just my hands onto your back, leg, neck. It’s a wealth or expertise and advice at your fingertips, ready and waiting for you, all you need to do is ask. One of my biggest joys in this job of Sports Massage is helping people. Something I rarely had an opportunity to do in…
Resolutions and Why Massage Should Be One of Them

Resolutions and Why Massage Should Be One of Them

Have you given up on your New Years Resolutions already? Were you new to exercise last month? That’s alright, lots and lots of people are get restarted too after a hiatus during autumn and the Christmas period. They have usually given up those resolutions by now! Is the reason you gave up was because of aches and pains? That is…